Highs of 86 tomorrow and Friday then a high of 73 opening day with some cloud cover here.. Can't complain at all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anyone use scent crusher ozonics at all? I just got the portable car ozonic thingy because it says it takes 30 minutes to get rid of order and it takes me 35 minutes to drive to my main hunting spot so why not try it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Never tried any of the ozone machines. But I do know that I just bought a thermacell for mosquitos and that thing WORKS great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I actually have the go and the bag! Love them both! I'm also part of their field staff! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank You. Buck Forage Oats, Austrian Winter Peas, Crimson Clover, Purple Top Turnips, Dwarf Essex Rape and a couple others I can't remember. I don't have the list with me. I can get the exact when I get back home. I lightly disked over the existing soybeans then broadcast the peas and oats. I then disked again, cultipacked then broadcast the smaller seeds and cultipacked again.
There is a lot of us on this team? We could be Bros B4 Does, Sponsored by Scent Crusher. I'll be honest, before I knew anything about the deal you have I'd been looking at them. Someone had posted about it about a month ago. What would be handy is that I go hunting after work quite a bit. We don't have a shower at this service center so I just have to wipe down the best I can when I get to my in-laws. This year it is going to be a bigger deal. We were drawn for the late management hunt at Longview so for 2 weeks I'll be there after work quite a bit. It would be handy to keep something like that in the truck going so everything is good when I get there.
True I'm not sure how much I get to spend when buying gear with my field staff discount! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Or we could be Bros B4 Does brought to you by Scent Crusher. I can run a pretty long line of BS if I have to.
Yeah I seen that bag in your picture of your deer you got! I am looking into getting one of those Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Exactly why I want one! I hunt after work all the time id love to go out at lunch turn that bag on and when 3:30 comes around be confident and ready to go Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what I do turn it on 30 minutes before I'm off work then by the time I'm off and at my hunting spot it's good to go!!! Well worth the money! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk