Well, the camera I've had out in a small funnel for the past six weeks was a bust. A few small bucks and a couple of does was about it. The wind is wrong for where I really want to be today so I'm set up on an inside corner of a standing corn field. Not ideal, but it's a good spot.
Just had a stud of a buck walk by at 50 yards. This early in the day was unexpected. He hit the field edge and went the wrong way.
Bet the adrenaline was rushing! Mine was when I was reading it haha. I could picture it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I didn't see another deer, but the one I saw made it worthwhile. It actually walked by in the woods at 40 yards, hit the field edge at 50, turned and walked straight away. He was a 10 point Not real tall but he was really wide - I'd guess around 20-21" inside. He was full velvet too. I sure would have shot him if I'd had a chance.
Get us some team points! I'm jealous you're able to be hunting... Have to wait until the 24th here and I have a Jason Aldean concert the night before... Hopefully I'm not too hungover and I make it into the woods for a morning hunt lol but I'll for sure do an evening hunt because that's better for the place I'll be hunting anyway. I'll smack a doe for some quick team points Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm still blown away by the fact that I saw that big boy a full two hours before sunset on a hot day like today. It was very unusual.
Hey must have been bedded really close, I'm surprised he was on his feet too. When are you going back out? Saturday is our opening day. I'm thinking of doing a morning hunt. Never done one this early into season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's awesome your having some success early in the season hopefully you can lay one down soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I taking off early from work Tuesday to head out might not be behind the trigger though yet still trying to get my little brother his first deer! But I'll see what happens he can only hunt after school so maybe I can sneak out for a morning hunt! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck man! I can remember the first deer I ever killed and it'll last a life time. He'll cherish that moment with you forever. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I didn't see a thing this morning. I'm in one of my prime spots now. Normally it's a good morning stand but not a good afternoon stand. We'll see about this afternoon, but I want to be here in the morning when this front is approaching.
Good luck man. I won't be heading out tomorrow, I have to work this weekend. I'll try to get out when I can next week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be heading to the woods for our opener in Missouri Thursday evening. Had a few decent bucks on cam this past weekend when I checked them. Pay no attention to the date. I forgot to change it on the cam, lol.
6:40 pm - two bucks walked by at 35-40 yards. I had no shot. I only saw the rack on the first one, and all I could see was the left side - a G2, G3, G4, all pretty tall, and main beam. I assume he was a good one, but I can't say for sure. These bucks aren't moving where I expect them to.