A couple nice bucks that I mostly likely won't shoot...pretty sure they are only 3.5 Nice 8pt Nice 9pt...it looks like he is hard horned, but he is still in velvet
Ours opens in September 10th. I ain't have a single blind or stand out right now... I've been so busy this year it's been crazy. Our bean fields are looking great and our corn sites are being hammered. Hopefully I can get a blind or two up today. If not, it'll be after work this week sometime. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You guys have some really good bucks to target. I have no idea what will be on my camera when I get to Kentucky on Thursday. It's been there in a choke-point for three weeks. The plan is to swing by on the way to my brother's house, grab the camera and see what is moving when. I have high hopes as this is a really target-rich environment. I've spent this weekend getting everything ready. I got all of my early season clothing washed, dried and sprayed with permethrin. It's re-dried and in a sealed container. My quiver is full of arrows tipped with brand new Slick Trick 125 Magnums. I got my fanny pack packed and ready, got my Summit Viper Extreme out and re-shrink wrapped the cables. There's really not much else to do but sit and wait. I don't know about you all, but I'm kind of tired of sitting and waiting.
Hung one last stand yesterday at another farm I have permission on...this is the lone target buck on it that I know of anthonyzink - Bowhunting.com Forums(2674185) on Vimeo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You got some studs AZ! no doubt you'll arrow a nice buck this year brother Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not missing in action just spending some time away with the family. I'm still here just won't be on very much for about a week. Family time before the season starts.
ANTS in yoru Camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had many issues with ants in my cameras. they have ruined a few of them any one else have this issue?
Come to think of it I did have some sand or dirt building up in my one last time I checked... I bet it is ants Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
6 more hours tell I get to set in a tree for the first time this season! I might not be the one behind the trigger but I get to take my 12 yr old little brother out for his very first hunt!!! Only 10 more days tell my season opens and I get to be the trigger man!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got out to the farm this afternoon after the wife and I went dove hunting. We had a pretty crappy morning for dove hunting, only had 4 fly by and killed 3, shot 6 times between the two of us. We'll take all the dove we can get! That's a total of 12 doves this weekend that is now in the freezer. The day got better after we went to the farm and set up a blind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well we're up in the tree ready to go!!! It's super windy and warm at 95 degrees and 20-30 mph winds!!! Already lost my hat lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck man! Why do you have to wear blaze orange? Is it gun season there too? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Youth can use anything they want to shoot a deer a gun, bow or cross bow! I think it's dumb you have to wear any orange on private property!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk