I’ve seen this funky doe (we call her Broken Nose for obvious reasons) for several years at the farm and she seems to produce good fawns. Always thought she got hit by a car when she was younger, but now I’ve seen some pics of other deer wondering if it’s a genetic defect. Also, she seems to have a tiny tail. Thoughts?
It's definitely a defect. I have seen a few abnormalities over the years but none effected breeding. In Venatione Veritas
our most prolific breeder is a doe with no tail. Guess 1 less barrier to entry..... she will never get shot, that old girl is a fawn machine
Well, I’m especially glad she didn’t get hit by a car. Just fell through the ugly tree & hit every branch on the way down!
She is an aware doe in the Matrix. Her face looks like that because when the camera goes off she starts to try to dodge it.
Thats actually a thing in all. Animals. I had a PB wirefox terrier with that defect. I got her for a song because the breeder was Peter Greene . The sire, can't remember name, had won top dog at the time. I think he was worth over forty thousand. Peter freaked and needed to " hide " her and breed her back to see if it would happen again I bought her so cheap... He flew her to P.A. 2 x' s to be breed andtook pick of half the litters. It never showed up again.