Funny to run across this. I had my bow shooting a bullet hole through paper. Field points dialed and grouping great. Mechanical flying with the field points. Annihilator hard left at 30 and off in the woods at 40. Can be a frustrating and spendy little dance we do...
Probably one of a possible 3 things. Either your bow needs some fine tuning, you're getting some very slight fletching contact, or your vanes aren't enough to steer fixed blades. An example of what paper tuning at 6' with fletched field points. I had to set up a new bow this year. I was getting bullet holes through paper with fletched field points at 6' when I left the shop. When I shot bare shaft and fletched at 20 yards the bares were hitting 5" right of the fletched. Fixed BH's were doing the same as bares. I've really come to realize that paper tuning with fletched at 6' is only a good start to tuning, there's more to do after that. With a bit more tuning my BH's and field points are touching at 20 yards.
Is there-one that’s better? Yes there is. I think some heads are better than others for some applications, animals and typography. Lumping everything as black or white is overly simplistic. I also think you have to be careful with internet advise, the Dunning -Kruger effect is rampant on line.
I use mechanicals only I use the axe broadheads from antler insanity Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I’ve used Grim Reaper mechanicals for a few years with good results, but I’m going to try the Hades fixed from Grim Reaper this year. I’m a novice at tuning so hopefully it won’t be to difficult tuning my bow for these fixed heads.
or you can have both with a Muzzy HB. And literally not care a whit about shoulders*. I still try to avoid guts though...that seems like a good idea even if you're shooting hatchet heads. Check this out, and zoom in. *depending on your TAW and poundage. If I was shooting under 430gr and/or shooting less than 60#; that's a different story. CoC fixed all day
Ignore me. I was using a new release (hinge) that I thought I had down but ultimately had left/right drama that I wasn't able to correct. I went back to my "old trusty" release and dialed things back in. I have put big gashes in two field points that went in and hit the back side of the annihilator if that's any indication of the groups.
How do you like the EZV sight, I find the idea intriguing, but, can't bring myself to drop the money on it.
I have killed with Rage 2 and 3 blade, muzzy, thunder head, wasp and slick trick... I said KILLED with all of them. I prefer Rage 2 blade just because it does leave a great blood trail and they have never failed. I would also have no issue shooting a fixed head. they kill a lot too