Biggest debate out there in the archery world I feel like fixed broadheads or mechanical broadheads? Which is better? Last I ran fixed this year I am running mechanical
I’ve ran both myself. Last year I ran fixed and had a buck go no further than 60-70 yards on a single lung. I personally lean towards fixed now. I’ve seen too many mechanicals not open. My dad had one not open for him last year on a 15 yard shot on a doe. I think mechanicals leave way better blood trails, but fixed are more reliable. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I personally like fixed..125gr magnus buzzcuts to be exact. But like many. I’ve used just about all of them. Spitfire are by far my favorite and most reliable. I love my magnus but wouldn’t be afraid to throw a spitfire on there at all.. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
there isnt a 'better' so to speak, both have their place ... While I do prefer fixed, I also use Mech's (Rocket Steelhead XL's/Sidewinders and reg. Steelheads, I still have enough of those and blades to last a bit .. This season my main head is Exodus 100gr Full's, but I will have a XL and a Sidewinder in the quiver also .. Ive killed multiple of dozens of deer with those mech's I mentioned and multiple dozens with fixed ....
I’ve used both successfully, but prefer fixed because they penetrate so much better. My all-time favorite is the Wasp Boss 4 blade. I also like Slick Tricks. I decided to give Tooth of the Arrow a try this year and just shot a 10 point last week in the Everglades (South Florida opens way too early). I didn’t make as good of a shot as I should have, but it got the job done. I’ll definitely use them again. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The only mechanicals I have ever shot were grim reapers and I was pretty happy with them. My dad uses them for his crossbow with great results. Since the grim reapers I have hunted with slick tricks, ramcats and QAD exodus. No major complaints about any of them. Trying annihilators this year.. generally I like the fixed blade better but really have no preference.
fixed always,I shoot low weight comparably 49#'s. I also shoot instinctive, my shots tend to drift toward the shoulder. I have dropped the deer in their tracks every time that has happened. My decision now is whether to go from " solid" 3 blade to a single beveled.
What you should use is personal choice and what your rig dictates. At low weight you should not use mech and if you are throwing rebar you can use mech but single bevel comes into play. I'm officially changing to fixed this year and could not be more excited.
Fixed. Slick trick or Exodus. Great success with both, I have no reason to change to anything else Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Every one has the pros and cons. I personally like fixed due to my lower weight and I feel I get a better outcome. We shoot Montec G5's.
Even though most have said either...seems like the preference count thus far has been Fixed. Count is 9-0 in favor of fixed... I do not have a preference yet as this is my first year hunting, but I am running fixed.
Ah, my you go: 2010 Martin Saber Single Dyna Cam 60#/29.5", QAD Drop Away Rest, 5 Pin Sight (15, 25, 35, 45, 55) 31" Easton GameGetters: 300 Spine, 580 grains, NAP 125 Thunderheads, 4 Fletch Bohning Ice vanes
With that you are good to go in any direction. Do yourself a favor and watch this. A member on here reviews broadheads and this one blew me away.
Will do. I watched his QAD Exodus breakdown. Definitely looking to get a few of them in the future. I have been eyeballing those annihilators too, so anxious to see what happens. I know he mentions having a full chart breakdown of all the broadheads he tests, where does he keep this chart?