Slick Trick sold about three years ago. I have been using them for five years. I haven't noticed a drop in quality. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I am going with the NAP Spitfire Doublecross @ 100gr. the BHOD crew sold me on them for sure after seeing the damage they can do
Going with Bloodsport Grave Digger chisel tip extreme and NAP Killzone. Hopefully I will get to try both.
I'm going with Tooth of the Arrow. I've been wanting to try fixed and settled on these. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
2 blade rage & rage extreme depending on which bow i take out to play with Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
Last year I bought 10 packs of Killzones on sale for $22 each at Academy. Guess I'll be shooting those for awhile. I'm going to use fixed blades for elk. Either 4 blade 100 grain Muzzy or Slick Trick. Not sure yet.
Standard slick tricks for me. I didn't wait all year for the season and weeks in a tree in all weather for a mechanical head to fail.
i admit, i fell for the rage marketing when it first came out, even shot a couple of deer with them, great heads, but now after further research, went back to fixed blade, Muzzy's 3 blade
Can't go wrong with NAP spitfire xxx. There is a reason they were one of the first mechanical broadheads produced and the design hasn't changed. They just work! Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app