Why'd you switch from swhacker? Those are my favorite mechanicals Mathews HTX 28.5" 70# QAD HDX Axion Cloud 7 inch stabilizer HHA Kingpin Easton 6mm FMJ Muzzy Trocar
No real reason really other than personal preference . The 3 blade did its job along with the 2 blade. I have 3 out 4 pass throughs on my animals and on the one I didn't I struck a shoulder on a big boar hog. I still have some left that I will be using. I just liked the look of the XXX.
Grim reaper pro series 1 3/8 and the bloodsport grave digger chisel tip will be in my quiver this year. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
I have a couple of arrows with G5 Montec's and a couple with Rage SS 2-blades and 1 G5 small game broadhead. This is my 2nd season with the Rage but I never took a shot last year except with the practice head. So I'm hoping to kill something this year with them.
probably the good ol muzzy trocar,I might check out a rage or other mechanical see how they fly now that im really extending my range...
At the end of last season I picked up 2 packs of NAP thunderheads for $5 a pack on clearance at Walmart.
Took a 4-point on Thanksgiving day last with 100 gr Toxics on Carbon Express Piledrivers. Left two "worms" 1/4" X 1 1/2" on the pass thru. One was muscle and one was lung. I'm sold.
That's a great deal! I've been using COC Gravediggers the last two years, very happy with them. Bought a pack of Ramcats today to try out.
Trying the Muzzy Trocar HBX hybrid this year. I'm a big NAP fan but I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and I hope it pays off.
Bow tech on our local forum says that slick trick sold out and the new ones are not as sharp or as high quality. I bought some back in march and haven't even looked at em. Ill be using the NAP FOC. I bought some Grizzly warheads. They're just like a swhacker but have a razor tip instead of pointed. I also have a bunch of swhackers. I've had good results with them too.