So I'm trying to tune my broadheads and having a bit of an issue. When I first started, my broadheads were hitting about 6" low and left of my field tips. I've made the adjustments of moving the right to the right and up and then whatever adjustments needed done there after. I've got my broadheads closer and now they impact 3" to the left of my field tips. My problem now is that while I have my broadheads closer (about 3" to the left of my field tips) I've run out of room to move my rest to the right anymore- If I do it appears that I'm going to get contact with my cables and riser. What do I do now? My setup: 2008 Reflex Charger, 29" draw, 52# Gold Tip Expeditions 5575 G5 Montec 100gr Blazers Whisker Biscuit I'm shooting the 5575's at 27.5".
How did you move the stuff to the right? Did you move your rest or sight or both? Don't worry about whether the arrows point of impact is where your pin is at, but rather how the field points and broadheads hit in relation to each other. If you've run out of room with your rest, move both the rest and the sight back to the middle (directly in line with the bow string)and start there. Shoot field tips and broadheads, then adjust the rest by like 1/32" towards the field tip group. Only adjust it one direction at a time, I would move it horizontally first then worry about the elevation.
If my broadheads were hitting 6 inches low and left of my fields points, I would be worried something else was wrong unless you are using heavier broadheads than your fieldpoints. How far are you shooting when they are dropping that much? What kind of broadheads are you using in relation to your field points?
Good question VA, are you using the same weight heads to start with? If yes, then all you need to do is get your rest in tune and you'll be golden. As a rest gets more out of tune, the imperfections are increased exponentially... if he's shooting nock high, 6" isn't anything that can't be corrected. Let us know.
Is it just me or is his arrow too stiff? Why not increase the poundage and see where your BHs hit in relation to your FP's.
Chart wise and "theoretically" his arrows are just slightly overspined. Being overspined enough to create tuning issues is fairly difficult, whereas with a weak spine the results are generally more drastic (again in my experience). I think his setup is fine, he just needs to get that rest set up correctly.
I just moved the rest at first, but then once my group was so far to the right I had to tweak my sight to the right in order to keep my arrows on the target.
The only reason I mentioned this is because his arrows are almost exactly the same as mine. The only difference is I'm shooting them at about 65 pounds.
I totally understand, and you're correct they are probably stiffer than is necessary. No worries here man.
Just checked my weight and it's closer to 54. I don't know that it matters or not, but my bow is a 60-70# bow. I talked to a guy and he thought w/ my arrows and my bow, that I should re-center my rest, bump up my weight to about 62, and then start over. He thought bumping up my weight should bring the broadheads in.
Rage Heads:d Just kidding ...don't shoot me! Anyway, you need to go to a Pro Shop, not Gander Mt or Bass pro or ****'s or any chain store. Go to a well known bow shop and let them operate.
Well I actually go to Gander Mt. because a guy I know works there (he didn't set my rest though, lol) and he's GREAT with bows. He was the one who told me I should do it and told me how to do it. Once I told him my problems he's actually been giving me the same advice that you guys and the guys over on AT have given me. I might try to work on it a little more and if I can't figure it then I might wait. The big problem is he's not been around lately so he's been trying to help me over the phone, lol. I was going to go to a store that's supposedly the largest/best pro shop in my part of the state, but when I called there and told him I was Broadhead TUNING, he had no clue what I was talking about- all he does is sight in and told me that I shouldn't do what I was doing because it was going to throw my bow all out of tune and I wouldn't get good arrow flight.
Me too. Very much. I might try to get everything back to center and then I think that's my next adjustment.
Thanks guys. Looks like the first thing I'll be doing when I get back from vacation is bumping my draw weight up. I sure hope that fixes it. Also, I'll be going to the Bass Pro in Branson, MO this weekend. Since my rest is probably all jacked up now, do you think I should get it papertuned, bump my weight up, and start over?