Combination of slick trick mags, magnus black hornets and exact archery. Probably stick to the slick tricks mostly. I shoot fixed heads now, no mechanicals, but that's just my preference. Plenty of great ones out there
Me and fixed heads for some reason don't fly right together. It's something I'm doing. Shooting great groups out to 50 but throw some blades on the front and things change. Bows tuned perfect
I've had good luck with spitfire but just because I day dream about different I want to try some Grim Reapers, but probably won't NAP Spitfires this year
Grim reaper did great out of crossbow. Don't particularly like the fold back front deploying design for compound though
My first few years of bowhunting I shot Grim Reapers and killed a lot of deer with them. The only reason I ditched them is that they were pretty dull out of the package and those little blades were difficult to sharpen. Also, they were PITA to take apart and put back together. If they were as sharp out of the package as Slick Tricks or of the blades were easy to sharpen I’d probably still be shooting them. “Over the top” deploying expandable broadheads are just as lethal as any broadhead out of a compound bow.
I really don’t want to be “that guy”, but if your bow is perfectly tuned, your arrows are properly spined and you make sure the broadheads spin true, fixed blade heads WILL hit the same as field points. If you're shooting good groups at 50 yards but can’t shoot fixed blades there is something wrong with your set-up.
I honestly agree 100%. I don't think it's the equipment, I think it's solely on the fact that this will be my 4th season back into bow hunting and there's a lot form and shooting wise that I need to learn. Mechanicals allow that extra forgiveness and the confidence to put the shot right where I'm aiming. Had tried the Tooth of the Arrow XL's but couldn't, still can't get them to fly with my field points. Haven't completely given up by any means, just confident the mechanical will do the job
Any XL fixed blade head is going to be ultra-sensitive to tuning issues with either the bow or arrow. Shot form (torque) can have some effect on arrow flight, but that will likely show itself with any broadhead you shoot, regardless of design. While mechanicals will offer a certain measure of "forgiveness" if your setup isn't tuned correctly, remember that comes at a cost. If your arrow isn't flying true, it's not impacting the target squarely; you're sacrificing a lot of momentum and penetration. IMO, that's one of the main reasons that people struggle with penetration when shooting mechanical broadheads. It's not necessarily the broadhead design but the poor arrow flight (and often too light of an arrow) that is preventing penetration. This happens quite often when people struggle to get their bow tuned properly, then give up on fixed blades and screw on some mechanicals that "fly like field points" and go hunting. While you may have fixed the issue of where your arrow impacts, you haven't fixed the root cause of why your arrows aren't flying true. Long story short - fix your tuning issues and get your arrow flying true and you'll have much better performance regardless of broadhead choice.
I agree, something is not right. Just from my experience over the years I have a few things affecting it. Obviously its the bow or you. So my list of things that caused problems for me. My nock point on string would pinch my nock at full draw. My vanes would contact the bow or rest. To much weight on front of arrow and under spined arrow. Didn't have my rest properly centered with the cams. Cam lean Cam timing Torque my grip on my bow at full draw. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Hey ive been shooting a bow for 33 years now, what ever can happen, has for me. The bad part is most of that stuff did happen on 1 bow though. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Bow is shooting bullet holes with every arrow. I will admit that I've changed my grip up and that has made major changes in consistency. Arrows are consistently flying great right now. I could probably get fixed blades to fly right, but i don't have the $$ to continuously buy targets. The process of trying to get that fixed blade to fly for me was quickly becoming expensive. Makes more sense to save some $$ while at the same time shoot with more confidence. There's pros and cons to almost things. I like the combination of the hybrid personally