In da woods here checking in. I just got notice that I'm on Lucky 7. Hopefully I'll get my tag this month. If so, I'll have the 3rd week of May. But not to fret, the land I'm hunting on has 3 sets of turkeys on it, totaling about 30-35. Who else is on the team?
Team 7 6. in da woods 7. Iamyourhuckleberry 8. Mantis Mayer 9. Southdakotahunter 10. Preacher Tony Preacher Tony Checkin in ...... my season starts May 1st and runs thru May 31st ....
What's up teamies, Fran checking in here. My season is same as Tonys'. I put in a ton of mornings working birds for friends but this year I'll try extra hard to save one bird for me (us.)
That's crazy!! We might have to hook up if I make it out that way.... I'll most likely be hunting 2 different areas this year... Down in Gregory Co, which is in the South Central part of the state and then out west in the Black Hills. I think I'll most likely be south of Rapid City, but I'm not 100% sure yet - just depends on which specific area I decide to hunt.... Just an FYI for everyone - my name is Jason...
Man, what a bunch of slackers this group has!! I'm not even sure if they have turkeys in NY :d Will, African Ostriches don't count for this contest!! So, it looks like it's down to SouthDakotaHunter and In Da Kitchen... Now these guys may be able to get it done, if SDH can shoot around the ditch parrots (pheasants) I can see him connection. IDK, if you can keep him from spending all morning in the kitchen... you're chances would be much better!
Awesome, One more team to chalk up for the defeated list. Best of luck guys, solid lineup. Will, post up pics of your Merriams!
Boys, I have real bad news. I did not get my tag for this season. I missed the cutoff the day they went up for sale in my area. I might try to get some for up north, but that is going to be a far shot. 4832 tags went up for sale @ 10am. I had someone come into the station & b-4 I knew it, I got to the hardware station @ 1030 & they were all sold out. They actually sold out in about 20 minutes. Crazy, I never expected them to sell out that fast. So if you boys want to sub me out, go ahead. what a bummer. I was actually looking foward to it. the land I could hunt has 3 sets of turkey flocks on it. sorry for the let down boys.
In Da, that stinks! I will submit this post to NY/AL and see what he thinks .... Team 7 ... we need a captain and a name ....... for captain, I nominate Will (iamyourhuckleberry), as he just seems to be the captain type :d and team names, I dunno
LOL...aren't preachers use to standing at the front and leading the flock? Experience is golden Tony...I nominate you big guy! How can we lose with a direct line leading us? Argue that, LOL! Your sig holds the team name..."in thine heart"
Hey guys, I got PT's PM this morning. ISiman4/ OH is now your new teammate, I sent him a notification so he should be around soon enough. Good luck fellas!
Welcome Young'n!!! Will, I LOVE the name, "In Thine Heart" ... but your choice for Captain stinks :d So my vote remains for iamyourhucleberry :d
Well guys it's getting close. I've been shooting an indoor 3d league so I've got a lot of practice in. Still need to get outside now that it's nice and stretch my range a little bit before season...
This is Isaac Ill be hunting in northeast Ohio. I hope to kill at least one gobbler with my bow this upcoming season. My Ohio season starts O April 20th. I just go some video of a huge tom across the street from my house on a property that i can hunt, I I'm starting to get the inch to go out there and kill some gobblers.
Welcome Isaac! Sounds like you're a shoe in on your tom! Get him! Ok, I'll step up and take the captain's position if nobody else volunteers. Is "in thine heart" ok with everyone?