Congrats to you, but Im sorry to see you arent happy with your kill! C'mon man, the tough guy, non-emotional, hard faced hunter look went out of style years ago, smiling behind your kill is actually "in" now!
Those slumps get discouraging don't they? Glad you broke out of yours. My "deer" slump has been following me since '03. Maybe last week's luck will carry over through this deer season. Congrats on your deer!
Congrats on the breakout. Why does everyone look sooooo serious? It was a great moment, smile a little bit
I was just thinking the same thing. In the last picture they all have the deer in the headlights look...Including the deer...:D Smiles, smiles everyone...(just showing my age here by referencing Fantasy Island) Nice job again Caleb...
Agreed, Ive read one of the downsides of them was how hard it is to get a pass through with them, My bow's only shooting 242 FPS....but it sliced through like butter
yeah man, same, I have never had an issue with pass throughs with these things did have a montec that didnt pass through though
Operation Freak Daddy is officially in the process of setting up two rub lines right now actually..
Congrats, Caleb! I've had a couple of missed and lost deer, also. I've always made it a point to get right back out there (after an equip. check) and those trips usually end with success. What I learned is that I was letting my adrenaline get the best of me; rushing my shot. Just something to keep in mind