Fact. My last bow kill was in November of 2007. Since then i have missed a handful of deer, and lost 2. Im not proud, but it was a learning experience that i wouldn't trade for anything. Rewind to Wednesday evening, September 30th. Im on a newly hung stand overlooking a bean field and a pond. I have deer moving all night, and just before last light, a mature doe presents me a 30 yard broadside shot. I take it, and miss. Great. More of the same. Fast forward to Friday, October 2nd. I wake up to my pager going off for an MVA. After standing in the rain for 2 hours, i help my dad install a garage door on the fire department. 3 PM rolls around and i KNOW that i need to shoot my broadheads. I have to build up that confidence. The results from 30 yards with the Rage practice heads: Now that im 100% certain that i can shoot, I head back to my bean field stand. Here is the video of the entire night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0Pj3ykZnFA To some it may be JUST a doe, but it was more then that for me. It was my first archery deer in almost 2 years, and only my 3rd overall. Probably the biggest confidence builder ive ever had :D Also, the obvious secret to my success, Hoyt bows, Sony cameras: ...and facepaint :D The success pictures:
Congrats again Caleb! I know how you feel about the slump....it gets to you mentally. I've gone through the same thing lately a bit myself. That buck I shot in IL last fall wasn't the best shot.....it was only 22 yards and I beat myself up mentally over it. Fast forward to this year, about 3 weeks ago. I'm sitting in the bear stand and watch a bear for 40 minutes one night, but let him walk. I went back and reviewed the video and decided that he would have been big enough to shoot, 275-300#, and go back the next night. The second night he walks in and I draw when he's quartering away, but then turns straight away. I'm about to let down and then he turns quartering away again......and I rush the shot. I went back and reviewed the video and could see the shot was nearly perfect, but about 4-6" high. I decided to wait until morning to track him.......but never did find him. Man, I was sick and again I beat myself up over it. I decided the worst thing I could do is let it get to me.....the old saying "if you hunt long enough, it'll happen to you." So, I've let it go and feel extremely confident again. Hopefully, that'll be tested soon!