Break through! (I hope)

Discussion in 'Traditional Archery' started by rybo, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. BobCo19-65

    BobCo19-65 Weekend Warrior

    Mar 12, 2009
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    I was going to stay out of this one, but I think I'll through in my 2 cents which may or may not upset some people.

    There is no black or white answer to this. I think an adult that wishes to shoot can do so on their own safely if they wish to do so. I also think there will be some, but not the majority who will learn to shoot on their own to their own satisfaction level. I think that problems arise however when individuals shoot their own style for years and are not getting the satification that they wish. The have plateaued on their own and can not reach the level they are looking for. Then what? - And I do have the answer. They look to others for for help. Some friendly tips may help in their shooting and that might be that. A majority however, if they want to go further, will have to find out what is causing the problem and UNLEARN it and then re-learn it in another way. - Ever try to unlearn something that you have been doing for years? - Not easy and very frustrating. The archer may even have to unlearn their whole shot sequence to move ahead or change from right to left handed. So the question then becomes whether it is worth learning in a way that has been proven to work in the beginning and then expanding in your style from there. - There is no answer to that for everyone IMO.
  2. Bawanajim

    Bawanajim Weekend Warrior

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Is there even a doubt why with so many wanting to learn that there are so many whom quickly give up.
  3. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    You bet there Is Jim. I've saw It too often, specially with people who had a bad experience or 2 In their 1st few years of bow hunting with a traditional bow and also with veterans. Confidence Is a must with these type of bows, It's harder then heck to get back when It's gone and some people say the heck with It. My brother damn near said the heck with It last fall, It was not a good year for him. This up coming season will be a big test for him and he's been hunting with a traditional bow longer then I have (16 years this year I think). I hope like hell he gets his confidence back. A friend of mine In our bear hunting party bought a longbow 3 years ago In hopes of making the switch from his Mathews to hunt with his longbow that fall. He was good with his shooting while practicing that year. 1st night out bear hunting a big bear came In at 15 yards, he missed that sucker by a foot. He hasn't hunted with It since. This summer Is the best he's shot since that episode with that bear, finally I think his confidence Is coming back. My brother and I have worked a ton with him trying to get him back to where his confidence and shooting once was. If It wasn't for us 2, I gaurantee you that bow would've never saw the woods In his hands again. I do believe It will see the woods this year deer hunting, not bear hunting though which I think Is a smart move on his part. He's never shot a bear before and he gets pretty damn nerved up when a bear Is front of him, probably best to get one under his belt using his compound 1st.
  4. bowmanaj

    bowmanaj Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    SE Indiana/SW Ohio
  5. woodsman

    woodsman Weekend Warrior

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Now Steve.. go easy on him. Can't you see he's having trouble resisting interjecting his own personal opinion's on other people..


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