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Brand New to the Sport!

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by bruggz, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. bruggz

    bruggz Newb

    Dec 27, 2009
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    As the title suggests I'm brand new to the sport got my bow for x-mas here a couple days ago. I tried shooting it today with very little succes. My knowledge on form and the basics of actually shooting are limited. Haven't shoot a bow in 15+ years and never had one set up for me. This bow is setup for me though. So... a few ?'s for all of you.

    1. Whats a good website, book or other source of information on the mechanics of shooting?

    2. My bow didn't come with a peep sight is this a must have item or more of a perferance?

    3. What kind of care/ maintance is needed to keep my bow in proper working order?

    Last of all I plan on putting in the time to get my shooting right before i take it out in the field. Thanks for any help and if anymore info is needed on mysetup please ask.
  2. Ben/PA

    Ben/PA Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Hughesville, PA
    1. This a great one to start. Ask questions, more than likely they will get answered.
    2. Some use them, some don't. I would recommend one for you for sure though. I think more use one than not. It's a great element of your form.
    3. Same as you would care for a gun or other high end sport equiptment. Wipe it off when it gets wet. Don't leave it in your garage in the cold or your trunk to get super hot. Check your strings for wear and replace as necessary.

    Who set ya up? A pro shop? If so you have a great start, just get out and practice. Most importantly, have fun.
  3. jmbuckhunter

    jmbuckhunter Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    St. Louis, MO
    First off, welcome to archery and Ask away with any questions you have.

    1. Whats a good website, book or other source of information on the mechanics of shooting?
    You have come to a good site to start your search. Someone here can answer just about any ? you might have. And there are NO DUMB questions.

    2. My bow didn't come with a peep sight is this a must have item or more of a perferance?
    In my opinion and most everyone elses here, It is a must have. It promotes good from and makes it easier to repeat the same anchor point and aiming point. Being able to repeat the exact same form and anchor is the name of the game when it comes to being able to put the arrow where you want it.

    3. What kind of care/ maintance is needed to keep my bow in proper working order?
    Pretty much what Ben said, keep it clean and away from extreme heat. Bows can handle cold better than heat. Wax the string when you see fraying.

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