i cant figure out how to post new pics of the buck becuase it said I used them alerady in the the forum. But this links shows the buck from this year Nov 6th and its my favorite buck because it was my first buck down after getting back from Iraq and I got to share it with my daughter
This buck took me on the highest of highs and lowest of lows.... Probably watched him approach for 10 minutes, then finally got a shot. Waited on pins and needles for an hour, awesome blood trail but then it gave out about 100 yards... I searched for over an hour with no luck and was starting to get that hollow feeling... Went back and decided to look in a direction that made no sense for him to go (it was essentially a dead end for him) and there he was, piled up inbetween some downed branches - maybe 40 yards from last blood and only 150ish yards from my stand...
Excelent bucks everyone, and Iam sure there is one hell of a story behind every one to cherish for years to come every time we gather around the campfire.
No monster, but my best to date. Shot the doe and the buck come by about 5 minutes later following her trail.
I hunted 18 seasons to finally kill a 3.5 year old buck, and a buck that was over 100 inches....not kidding. I owe many guys from this site much grattitude for helping me out over the years. I have learned a tremendous amount from all of their knowledge and experience.
EricZ- That has got to be the coolest harvest photo I've seen yet. I love that pic, and nice buck to boot!