I hope this is ok, because it's not an archery buck, but here is my dads muzzleloader buck from earlier this year. He spent a lot of time figuring this guy out and ended up taking him It ended up scoring 176, and field dressed at 202 pounds...
Thanks. He's sure proud of it :-). I'm still working on my first archery deer. It beats rifle hunting ;-)
My best archery buck to date, and one that ended a 6 year skid. Taken Oct. 20th this year. Grossed 117"
While not my highest scoring (because of the messed up side) I still consider this to be my biggest buck
Thats a awesome deer. I would take a deer with charactor like that over a more typical deer of the same size.
This deer isn't my biggest, but it's one of my most memorable... Just how he was taken, late season, like -15 out with a 20 mph wind - I felt like I was the only one in the county out still hunting....
Nice buck! He's got an AWESOME double throat patch!! The nicest I've ever seen. He'll make a beautiful mount.