I miss the old days of working alone in the country already. This new job is kicking my arse......I've put in 23 hours this week alone, and it's only freakin tuesday......Don't get me wrong.....I'm thankful to be working, no doubt. I didn't even stop for lunch today until 6 this evening........oh good grief........
Just wait till they see how much your check is for. Then give them choices!!! Raise, vacation, company car, better benefits! Something???
Stay thankful, Donny .... it's one weird economy!! ..... you have a good head on your shoulders about that .... it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out for ya
Stay with it mobow anything is better then the alternative of no job. Warning :hijack: Sorry but PT what in the world did you do to your avatar? :hijack: Over
I agree with PT Don. They claim there is a reason for everything. Sometimes I want to find "they" and pop them in the forehead. :d
Ya'll are right, of course. And I am EXTREMELY grateful to have my job, and for now a secure one......But man....it's tough to take. I have 3 times the responsibility, I'm managing people now, can't seem to get off work on time anymore which is frustrating....I would rather be at home helping my kids with homework and such..... I care about my job, I care about what I do and want it done right. I'll do what it takes....But it sure would be easier medicine to swallow if I weren't getting hosed in the process. Shoot, I can't even take my vacation.....Ok, gripe session over. Back to PT and the madagascar show.
Yeah, but now you've got a better excuse the next time I smoke yer a** at our next 3d shoot we go to together! :evil: :evil:
Me thinks me heard a challenge?? I don't really need any more excuses though. The truth usually works just fine. I had equipment problems....And I blame those on you so......it's all good. :d
Be grateful Don, and keep your head up (I know that you are, just sayin). Everything happens for a reason. We found out today that Lisa's teaching position is definitely eliminated when the school year is over due to cuts in state aid. There are absolutely no teaching jobs in elementary ed for a good hour+ drive of here right now too because all the other districts are in the same position, so it may be a few years before she is able to get back into a classroom. It's pretty scary for us to be falling back onto one income with the new house, wedding, etc. Not sure if we are going to stay in NY for long.....we will have to see what the teaching opportunities look like elsewhere for her, and I can work remote from anywhere with broadband internet and a phone. We may be headed to PA sooner than later. I'm lucky that I took the new position that I did in January taking over our large/strategic accounts. I'm now working 60+ hours a week and can't really take any time off either, but I'm making really good $$$ right now and am the reason the company made our quarter. I hate the stress and don't know if I want to do this forever, but for now it's a blessing.
Don, this aint gonna put a damper in your G2G plans come june is it?? but congrats on your promotion!!
Yup, it sure is. Unless by then they decide I can start taking vacation again.....Shoot, the way it stands right now I won't even be able to take any days off this fall. :computer: