Looking into getting an elevated box stand. We do not have the time to build anything, so I'll be purchasing one. It seems Muddy is the only brand I can find that has the vertical window to shoot a bow out of....anyone know of any others? (this will mainly be a gun stand - but may have to be a bow stand depending on the situation - first year hunting my own land). I do want the hard shell ones, because I'm a wimp and hate the cold. So I want to be able to have a buddy heater when needed... Thank you!
Any of the Stump Vision blinds have the vertical windows as well. I found a heck of a deal on 2 Stump 2 (not vision) but should still be able to take shots out of the side windows pretty well. I was set on the visions until I found this deal.
Thanks Travis! I do remember seeing that earlier. The price I see doesn't mark much difference between the Vision and Stump 2...I think I passed by those because they didn't come with the tripod. Granted, it's only 4x4 to be added- but I don't know how we'd get the tractor back there to post dig some holes.
We live in a high wind area and not one of my platforms have legs set in ground. Never an issue. It's all in the braising.
OND - I wondered that. Now, if we could get fancy, I want a nice set of stairs like to a porch that wraps around, lol. But - in all reality, just something simple like the 4x4 with some wood steps would be good enough...probably save a few hundred.
I never hunted in a box blind until this year. The land I purchased had two on the property and I took my young kids out with me during a rainy cold evening. It reminded me of days gone by in the treehouse. It was pretty cozy in there too. (:
im not a big fan of the elevated enclosed blinds, cant see that great, cant hear that great. yes itll give you more freedom to move and let wind but i do not think the pros outweigh the cons. Also most as designed to be gun blinds and arent comfortable to draw a bow in etc
I will send you a snapchat video here when I get to my farm in a little bit. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
I built one last year and ordered a new muddy this year. Muddy and redneck were about the same to me, and a buddy could get me dealer pricing on the Muddy, so it was a no-brainer. Can't wait! Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
I hunted out of a Redneck one when I was in Illinois (which is what spoiled me in hunting. insulated blind - both a doe and BBD by 11am. it was perfect). But, it didn't have vertical windows. I will have to look into that again, too. Thank you!