We have a bunch of “shooting houses” as we call them and most are home made but we have a couple snap lock and a ghost blind octagon at our main land.......I’m going to build one for my house in the next couple weeks and was wondering if there are any out there you guys recommend as a good bang for your buck purchase. I don’t want garbage but I don’t need to spend $3,000 on one either. I guess I’m just trying to weasel out of building one from scratch LOL. It will be on a platform resting on 12 foot 4 x 4’s and will be permanent.
I decided to build my own........think I’ll spruce it up with some cool comforts and accessories to make all day site a piece of cake
No problem......platform and frame are done. Just have to do roof and door and cut/paint exterior panels. I’ll be done Tuesday-Wednesday depending on rain and work.
Now that I have started building my own does anyone have any sweet ideas for accessories or comforts? I’m going to make this thing a joy to sit all day in. So far I have in my mind. Survival stove to heat up any food or some soup on icy days. 1/2” rubber floor for comfort/silence. Urinal. Battery or solar LED’s Padded shelves on sides and front walls for silence, gear and shooting rest. Either a Caldwell Deadshot or a mounted swivel rifle holder. Insulated of course with a Buddy Heater. Possibilities are running electric from a barn that is about 100 yards away but would be a task to trench through woods. It’s also within 500 yards of my home so I think it’s possible to get WIFI to it but I may need to run a Netgear Orbi mesh system to stretch that far and I would need to have power and weather protection for the extenders I’m sure. Lot of trouble but would get me full TV which would be sweet. Batttery operated coffee maker maybe but my thermos is pretty bad ass so probably not a huge bonus. Any other ideas???
Yes a hunting buddy to watch for deer while your fooling around with the heater, coffee making, the tablet and or phones and falling asleep due to warmth....hahahaha
Done......he’s been by my side for 35 years in the deer woods and helped my drag my biggest buck ever out last year from the spot I am putting this blind. Honestly it’s mostly for him but I will certainly enjoy it as well. I don’t call him buddy though. Just.......Dad.
Nothing wrong with comfort especially for us well aged humans. All mine have padded office chairs, fleece blankets, and I have a bigger two tank buddie heater. ..though..... a guy in NY died when his blew up in the blind...so I may stick with blankets.
I built one for my dad years ago, he’s a man of few words but he really appreciated it and I found out he was bragging about it to his buddy’s at work. Was pretty cool to hear that, have fun this season enjoy making memories!
I've been piddling around making and elevated blind as well. I used power poles but would not do that again even though they were free. I'm curious as to what windows you used. Looking forward to the pictures.
Forgot about this thread LOL.........Dad was having trouble deciding where to put the house I built him so.....I built him another one. Better than second guessing I suppose. Windows coming in for 4x4 soon and trying to decide on camo paint or netting but pretty much ready to hunt.....I’ll take some pics of insides soon and Greg I’ll get you some pics of Windows I made.
We built one last year. Turned out so nice we decided on another one for the farm. Last years model. This years unfinished model to be installed this coming weekended.