i am looking to upgrade to a new bow next year. iv scanned ebay and looked at all the major manufacturers out there. i was looking at the red head bows and it says that the toxic and kryptik bows are made by bowtech. is this true? anybody have any experience with them?
no she hasnt. id like to hear an actual report on how they do before i buy, but i think itl prolly be the way i go if i can get my hands on 1 and shoot it.
just talked to her last night... she should hit u back today sometime... she was saying there were 3 bows made by bowtech cant remember the other one though...
Bowtech makes a great product, in fact I have a couple of them. There are many other great bows out there though. Take a look around shoot them then decide, get one that feels right. Don't let in da woods know that I said look at anything other than Bowtech, he loves em.