Who is still shooting the Bowtech Tribute?? I love this bow, going on season #4 with many more seasons to come.
Yep...definitely Bowtech. I've had my eye on the Sentinel but I'm wondering if I should just wait until the new models are released.
indeed they were sir!!! at least I got away without battle scars... I'm no worse for the wear than a few to many skeeter bites...
I'm shooting a tribby as well. I just got mine last year, but it was after deer season and I didn't have any luck turkey hunting with it. Hopefully I draw some blood come early October.
I believe Bowtech cut that model out too soon. I know the Ally & Guardian were the hot new bows, but the Trib should've stayed on in the line up. Just an overall great shooting bow. I think their new air raid is similar to a Trib.
Love the Bowtechs.. but has anyone shot the '06 Equalizer? Found it on AT for $295 and it would fit me perfectly I want it so bad but I don't think my dad would approve of buying over the net used. *Sigh*....
I've bought a used bow from here, no problems at all. Make sure you see pics first, and check out the seller to see if they are trust worthy. On this site, I have no doubt that everyone is on the up & up. If not, they certainly would hear about it from everyone else. Just make sure that the bow is adjustable to your specs w/o costing too much for the change over. Also, check what condition the string is in, that'll run about $125.