Bowtech Air Raid, (Man Law Observed) ;-) Man what a shooter. Finally got my new Air Raid yesterday evening. Hell we didn't even hear the UPS driver pull in, neither did the dog. Must have been the air conditioner, the ceiling fan etc but my wife went down to let the dog out and yelled up, honey your bows on the porch. Didn't take me long to run down, grab the box and say, I'll be in the basement. I pulled the Viper Pro MT off the 06 Allegiance, pulled the Limb Driver off the Ross and set her up. First shot impressions, Very Nice! She's not quite as quiet as the Admiral, not quite as fast as the 82nd but man is she a shooter. I shot a 360 grain arrow 302, a 381 grain arrow 294 and a 465 grain arrow 260. She draws smooth as silk. Edit: This is at 66 lbs, She came in IBO 318 at 66 lbs. I sighted her in across the basement without a peep. Tonight when I came home from work I stole the Super Peep of the Allegiance, took the 12" Super Stix off the Alley and installed them on the Air Raid. Grabbed the 360 grain GT Ultra Pro22's and went out back. Figured she had to be close so I took a shot at 20 yards. First arrow was slightly low left of the 1" flo orange dot. 2nd shot touched the first and 3rd took a nock off the first 2. Damn she's a shooter I said. Adjusted the sights slightly down and right and the next 2 shots were dead on and touching. I figured the gap had to be exact as I was shooting the Alley at 305 so, next shot was at 30 yards and nailed the 12 ring of the 30 yard coyote target. Next shot, 12 ring of the 40 yard Delta and the next shot, 10 ring of the 50 yard Pronghorn target. Now, I'm breaking man law as I didn't take any pictures of her but I just fell in love all over again with another Bowtech bow. Several thumbs up on the Bowtech Air Raid. I look forward to shooting her some more. Now, I'm not sure whose going to WY with me. I have the Admiral ready to go but....... and my 82nd may have just taken a back seat to the Air Raid come bow season as well. Time will tell. I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow.
Was that a 2010 Model you Great to hear and wondering, are you going to try out that Kazaway Rest ?
I was just telling a guy about the Kazaway Rest tonight as he's ordering a new rest. I'm going to get one but I wanted to set this bow up immediately and since I had extra's, you know. I'm going to need a couple more rests and The Kaz is going to be one of them I believe. After watching you and yours, I's gots ta try one.
Rob I shot the Air Raid a couple of weeks ago while at the shop. I've shot alot of the new bows this year, but the Air Raid felt like it was custom made for me. I especially liked the 65 max, not everyone (me!!) likes having to buy a 70lb bow and turn it down to hunt with. Smoothest bow I've ever shot, hands down.
Yep, I remember that same feeling the moment I shot her before they opened the doors at the ATA show ... freakin' awesome bow!
Rob do you happen to know what that toy weights in at bare? What happens to be the lightest BT compound made for 2009? Thanks, T * I know I could go to the site but I have you* :-)
I hear that bbm. Mine came in maxed at 66lbs. It's so smooth to draw. Now I'm assuming by my birth certificate that it's got smooth mods as well. I might call for the fast mods just to see but as she is, she perfect. I hadn't shot one til this one. Ordered it sight unseen and said if she's everything I think she'll be, I'll finally sell the Allegiance. Well the Allegiance is for sale. I drew on back at Dave's shop up in NE PA at the GTG. Loved it but the only other hands on was Ben's left handed 31' monkey arm bow. I couldn't enjoy that one as much. :D Come on down and shoot her Matt. I know you have to get down this way from time to time. Sure is bud. T, I'll have to weigh her for ya both dressed and nekkid.
So that Man Law is observed. (Big Smile Smilie here as I cannot add six images). Since the Allegiance is now for sale, I stole the 12" Super Stix, and Viper Predator Pro MT sight. The Limb Driver off my Ross, Super Peep off the Allegiance and bought a new wrist strap. Super Stix, left the Octane on the 82nd, the Doinker on the Admiral, Fuse on the Ice Man and Easton on the Ross. And,