I know alot of you are probably like me, you love to try new bows. I got pretty addicted to buying, trying and then selling bows. I think I bought around 25 bows over a 3 year period I love hearing about the bows you shouldn't have sold... I have a few that were great shooters but the grass looked greener and I let them go. At the top of my list would have to be the O.L. Adcock ACS Hill Style bow. One of only four made and I think its safe to say O.L. probably won't be making those again! I was selling so many bows then that I can't even remember who bought it, other wise I would contact them and beg for it back. So what about you?
There were a few that I didn't want to sell in the first place, but really don't regret selling. I don't think that there were any that I shouldn't have sold. There are bows that I have that I would never sell though. My John Schulz longbow, Adcock ACS that I bought in memorance of my Father and Grandfather (their names are on the bow) and my Chek-Mate King's Pawn which was purchased from money that was left to me when my Grandmother died. I have her name, dates of life, and a message to her on that bow. I have two other Bear's that I also would not sell that were my Mother's and Father's recurves.
It's not a C0CK feather either, it's a cock feather. Use zero instead of "O". It'll drive ya to drink, won't it?
Well there were a few I'd like to have back,and many I'm glad to have seen go because I got to try many bows that I couldnt have afforded otherwise. One that I do miss was a J.K. Traditions Kanati longbow.
I've kept every recurve and longbow I've ever owned but like a dumb ass I sold my very 1st compound my dad got me. I sold It because cash was tight, I'd give my left nut to find that bow and buy It back!! :mad1:
I had a real nice Browning Safari back in 1969 that I let go of... wish I'd kept that one. I never parted with another one until about a year and half ago. Met a young fella just all ate up with shooting a recurve, his broke while we were shooting and I thought he was gonna cry. He called me that evening going crazy cause he didn't have a bow to shoot. I had a real nice Damon-Howett Super Diablo that was like new, sold it to him for about half what it was worth just to see it have good home. Also let go of a nice Damon Howett Ventura last summer. But I also picked up the Bob Lee Bicentinial last summer. Woodsman
Thats had to be rough to sell the Kanati.... I really like the looks and things I hear about em! I hope I get to shoot one soon!
The only bow I ever got rid of was a Hoyt 3 piece TD. It was a wood riser with black limbs. It couldn't be shot off the shelf so I got out the file and modified it. It was a real slow shooter and I never really cared for it. I traded it to a guy for a Marlin .22 cal semi-auto.
I bet you do. I've been looking for a good one at the right price for some time now. I have a Nomad and a Cobra I. That litte 50" Cobra is my turkey bow.
I can't remember for sure, It was the 60" model. That would be the Safari II.. I think?? Do you remember VA??? woodsman
Chris, Yes, I believe the Safari II was 60" and the Safari I was 56" or possibly 58". They're really nice bows. I'm partial to a 56" to a 58" bow and those are so pretty. The prices that they are commanding now is unreal.
Browning always put the prettiest finish on their bows. I swear it looked like it was 2 inches deep... and the wood was always the very best, with tremendous grain patterns... Man, what was I thinking.... woodsman