Always looking for ways to shoot tighter groups. This summer I tried the bowman nose button and I went from pie plate groups at 30 40 and 50 yards to stacking arrows at all ranges. Has anyone else tried it?
I was waiting on another member to give a review on the product. It interests me. Another anchor is never a bad idea
I have seen may go on my bow. I have a kisser and a peep now. would this replace the kisser or no?
I put one on my bow, was interested in being able to pin point where my nose is contacting the string, it seemed to tighten up my groups!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Never heard of it till now, I just use a speed nock for my kisser and put nose to string. Don’t see a need for a nose button. Glad it works for ya tho!
I put one on to try out. My main reason wasn't for a extra anchor point, but to get rid of my peep sight. It works but not sure if it's better with with or with out the peep just yet. I'm still stacking arrows at 40 yards, so it's all good so far. Going to give it the season Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
while I think the Bomars are garbage, an extra anchor/reference may help some people .. I dont see a need for it myself, as my anchor is rock solid, but if it helps, just tie on some serving and dont give a penny to the jerk ...
I don’t use a nose button, but I have shot with a kisser button for 20 years. I refuse to aim at the same spot. I ruin too many arrows. Repeatability is the biggest thing in archery. If you find what works for you then don’t change it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I put on one my bow a few months ago, and so far I like it. For me, it was more about having an additional anchor point while under hunting/high pressure situations than it was about shooting tighter groups while practicing. I did a video on it as well.
I've looked at them as well. I can see where it would be a help to anchor especially in an intense moment. As long as it works for the user then thats all that matters.