Hi everyone, I'm new on this forum but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with turkey hunting with a bow. I have consistently shot toms with a gun but are there ant tips on draw weight, broad heads or just any pics people could share.
I shoot fixed blades EXCEPT on turkeys. Just as they can take a lot of shot..... man can they absorb a lot of broadhead.
Welcome .. and Merry Christmas .. ! Everyone has their own answer to this question I suppose .. but as for me .. I use my exact same set-up as what I use deer hunting .. the biggest difference that you will find bowhunting vs gun hunting is that the head/neck is the bulls eye for a gun hunter .. a well placed body shot is the bulls eye for a bowhunter ... ! the vitals are a small area on a turkey .. study shot placement & know where to aim ! ... getting them close is a big factor in achieving perfect shot placement ... I prefer a pop-up blind & decoys to get them close .. I like to set my decoys at 10-12 yards from the blind. practice shooting from your blind at close distances ... be confident with your shooting abilities from this set-up ... Have fun .. bowhunting turkeys is very rewarding !!
Thank you Both for your input and Merry Christmas! If anyone has ant turkey kills they would like to share photos of I would appreciate it.
I also use the same set-up for turkeys as I do for deer. The only difference is that I've shot and missed a whole lot more at turkeys.
You could try the Magnus Bullhead broadhead if you want to try a head/neck shot. Decapitation seems to do the trick. Not from personal experience but there are videos on YouTube.
If you are going to shoot them in the body use the rocket buckblaster and take out the fixed blade portion of the broadhead in order to achieve 100 grain. Almost 3" cut Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Practice!!! I don't use pop up blinds so I set up where the bird will walk behind a tree or shrub for second. And that's when I draw on him. If I use a decoy then I wait for him to strut and when his back is to me and his fan is blocking his view that's when you draw, and as soon as he spins around I shoot him at base of the neck. I like grim reapers for turkeys, but any well placed broad head will do. With a little practice you learn what you can and cannot get away with. But mostly you will learn what you cannot get away with.
Thanks for all the advice everyone! I just was given a 2007 Bear element so I'm going to set it up at 65-70 lbs and be ready for spring gobbler season!
Bowhunting Wild Turkey Minnesota 2015 - YouTube This was a 7 yard shot. As you can see no tracking with those bullheads.
Anyone else had trouble shooting a bow from a one man blind? Figured I gotta get a two man so I can comfortably draw.
Welcome! I use Rage Hypodermics when I bow hunt for turkeys and they work really well. I shoot the Easton Injexion Deep Six FMJ arrows.
I personally like shooting mechanicals for turkeys since it increases my chances of hitting the sweet spot. :D There are a number of good videos in the "Bowhunt or Die" series on this site that are fun to watch. Here is one where Dubbya "Butterball's" one at 51 yards. Pretty cool. Wyoming Turkey Hunting & Bow Setup