Have any of you ever bow fished for bullfrogs? I am wanting to do this come first part of spring. Any advice you have concerning this would be great. What bow, what specs for the bow, what arrows, how to rig a lite to the bow, such things as these would be great. Thanks for your help.
Yes I have, it is a blast to. We just used a cordless spotlight that was held behind the shooter. A headlamp would work fine if it had plenty of power. Use junk arrows by all means. We was finding out that there sometimes are rocks beneth the mud and they will destroy arrows. I have a light rigged up on my recurve to Bow fish but it requires a 12 volt car battery,,,works good in boat but not good for packin around It was real Hot that night
Ive shot random Frogs while it was season, while i was shooting carp. Fun but hard with a recurve and fishing arrow.
You have to make sure that your in the season for frogs. Some people might not think it but there is a hunting season for frogs!