Sorry guys - got unexpectedly busy the past few days. I have some emails I need to send out tonight and a few other things and I'll try to set up the league before I go to sleep. I want to get the ball rolling so I can show you all what's up. :D
Okay ladies - the league is set up through Yahoo! The URL is The league name is and the password is "bowhunters". You'll need to have a Yahoo account to join. If you don't have one, just create one. They're free and easy to set up. The draft will be Thursday at 7 pm central time. If you can't be there for the draft, you can set your account to autodraft for you, and it will autmatically pick the "best" player for you when your turn comes. Questions or problems, let me know!
Alright cool. I'm signed up. I'll probably be able to make the draft, but if not, I'll have my player rankings set. Oh ya, if someone made the same mistake as me (or Justin ) you'll need the league ID. which is- 259533
Well, unless my game tomorrow evening gets rained out.. No draft for me. Can't wait to see what they give me :d
Well weather you signed up or not your still an idiot! I had trouble too. I clicked the link a few posts above from JZ then backed out to the introduction page of fantasy baseball and started over. Just copy and past the league number when signing up. Do you have a yahoo account already? If not you will need to create one.
Well that's a given fergie......LOL......and to prove it yet again, how the hell do I set up the auto draft feature?? I'm so confused......
I'm planning to as well.....but the way things have been going at work promise can be given. Thanks for the help.
I usually play fantasy football, but have done baseball in the past. If you all need another shoot me an email or pm and I'll join in. I should be around a pc most of the day.