I believe in the Blood Bro's DVD "hunting marsh bucks" Andrea (the lone wolf guy) was interviewed and said he shot a monster buck in the same spot he saw him the year before on the same day! during the rut. They may not be in groups but I'll bet the bucks know where they are and set up a travel pattern that takes them from one to the next. The does in my areas don't group up eithor.
Yep just missed out beating the WI Bow Record. I bet if there is one around I see him the last weekend in Oct if I get the right wind
It took me a long time to stop hunting trees instead of sign. For example, there might be a tree in a fencerow that was great for putting up a stand, but no sign around it. Guess what, thats where I ended up hunting. My dad is still guilty of that, trying to make the deer come to an area that you like vs hunting where they want to be.
The most important thing I learned last year was about boots, my foot wear. My favorite hunting boots are the Wolverine King Caribou's. Last year I bought a brand new pair because my trusty old pair had developed a leak around the sole. During the break in period I would alternate between the 2 pair of boots. I noticed that while I was in my stand wearing my old pair of boots, some of the deer were investigating my stand entry trail. This was not happening when I wore my new pair of boots. I finally figured out what was happening. I spend a lot of time in my buddy's dairy barn during the season while wearing my hunting clothes. This includes both pair of boots. So, what was making the difference? Both pair of boots had the same "cover scent"? Well, the old pair was letting air from inside the boot escape directly onto the ground and the deer were picking that up. I have since retired those boots from bowhunting for deer. BTW, deer are unconcerned with cow oder even if there are no cows in their area.
I agree ... I hunt on a dairy farm .... i step in crap on my way in ... one of these days I'm gonna smear some on my pants and jacket .....
Self taught but I guess when I was a teenager literally just set up on a trail in big woods and hoped for the best. lol
birthdefect? plenty since I was self taught. every yr I graduate to a newer level. So explain this field edge stuff, since I mainly hunt inside woods on fence lines where they cross.
in da .... I have busted feer in the fields so many times walking out .... I wantto know more myself ,,,, I have stalked up to a few deer last year in the field ... I have had plenty come down thru the field to my stand .... the seem to like tha corners ...