Nothing younger than 4 1/2 years old in the following order 1. 200"+ Non Typical Whitetail 2. P&Y 6 point Typical 3. 150" or bigger 8 point Typical 4. 170" or bigger 10 Typical 5. 12 or 14 point Typical
I've had a bear on the brain for the last couple of years now, I really want to stick one with my Longbow, big time! That and I want to shoot a pheasant out of the air as well! I "barely" missed one this year!
I've done that twice Joe with flu flu arrows and man did I get excited!! We had a group of about 10 people pheasant hunting In my dads CRP field and we shot 4 pheasants that afternoon. I was lucky enough to stick 2 out of the 4. One of the guys also stuck the topper on my dads pickup accidentally when he shot at a pheasant, man we laughed our ass's off!!:d
I'm too young to be setting these sort of concrete goals for myself.:d I'm still trying to figure out my hunting properties and have fun with it
A kill from the ground with compound and traditional. Go back to Colorado for a Elk Hunt with Bow only. Black Bear hunt in Northern Wisconsin. (I have 4 points and need 7-9) Take up bowfishing First turk with a bow. Hopefully be a successful mentor for my boys in archery.
I'll get back to you once I tag my first whitetail with my bow. I got the big dreams....just need to make the time. Some species I have always thought would be cool to hunt where elk, mule deer, and sheep.
- Harvest a mature whitetail with my bow - Get to the point where i can do it every year - Harvest a booner buck (next year is my chance) - Take a gobbler with my bow - Get to the point where i can do it every year - Take an elk with my bow A big thing for me is becoming consistent at taking trophy animals. That is my ultimate goal.
I would say the one thing that I plan on doing (becoming), is a completely traditional guy, all the time.... Thats my hunting bucket list...
1. Arrow a 200"+ buck. (I'd love to get over that 200" mark) 2. Shoot a mature buck off my own property ( It'll be 10-12 years, but i'll be excited when the habitat management pays off) 3. My wife arrow a P&Y Buck. 4. Arrow several big game animals. (Elk, Mulie, Caribou, Moose)
Nope, been around for a while...not sure who thunk it up? Had a guy 22 animals through the 29 Super Slam explain that one to me...made sense, just doesn't break down into subspecies within a certain type of animal. Best of luck, would make one hell of an accomplishment and one hell of a lifetime full of memories.
What do you think your chances of 200" are? Do you have a target animal, or are you just hoping oen presents itself during the coming years?
Well....he has somewhere around a 192" buck hanging on his wall....I would say the opportunity is there!
I know of that buck, but i was wondering if it was a "set goal", or if he is keeping tabs on a 200+ deer. Just being a little nosy :d
I'm just hoping & don't have a target buck. I didn't see anything over 170" last year. I think the chances of me seeing a 200" in the next 5 years is pretty good. But arrowing him is a whole nother thing!
For about $12,500 you can do that here in OHIO, and if you're sneaky, you can check your preserve deer in as a fair-chase kill!!!! They found that this guy's other big buck which scored 191, was also a preserve kill, not a fair-chase deer!!! CHEATING BASTARD!!! For me, if I can make it out to Colorado and kill an elk, any elk would make me happy, I'd consider this fall a success, if I could tandem an elk kill with a nice 140" buck here at home, I'd be thrilled!!!