Jeff's thread kind of got me thinking... Not just for 2009, but what are some of the things that you'd like to accomplish in your bowhunting career that you haven't already?
NA Deer Slam Bow Grandslam turkey New Zealand 2-3 week trip bowhuntin for chamois and tahr Those I hope to complete within 6-8 years. after that, an argentina and australian safari would be insanely cool... Maybe NA Representative slam (one bear, one moose, one elk, one caribou, one deer, one sheep, mtn goat, mtn lion, musk ox, bison, pronghorn...11 animals instead of 29) I don't ever seeing myself being in the financial situation of doing the super slam, but a representative slam is certainly doable with the right amount of planning and saving. I have entered the points system for alot of these animals, and SHOULD draw a tag in the lower 48 for bear, moose, elk, deer, sheep, mtn goat before I croak, meaning they could be DIY and gas/tags being the only cost...would significantly save costs to draw these vs heading north and purchasing the hunts in canada/alaska. musk ox is guide regardless, as is mtn lion, and bison (free range in BC)...bou can be DIY in Alaska. This slam is expensive as well, but if you plan ahead early could do it relatively cheap. I have big dreams when it comes to bowhunting, we will see how they pan out....
1- Shoot a Boone and Crockett buck. 2- Bowhunt a grizzly. 3- Hunt with a trad. bow before I die. 4- Never let the passion die. I'm only 19 so I have got a while to work on these (God willing).
P&Y Brown Bear (done) P&Y Moose (done) B&C Mtn. Goat (still working on that one) hopefully it isn't the cause of me kicking the bucket!
Kill a Booner with my bow and or a big old narly non-typical 200+ whitetail(with drop tines, I looooove Droptines).:d Bowhunt Moose in Alaska, and what ever else might be legal at that time. I think Africa would also be a neat hunt.
Just because you already have that big Wapiti on your wall, doesn't mean you have to rub it in by not putting in on your list!!!!
I want to: Find a set of public land 160+ sheds. Kill a PY buck on my own property. Kill a Booner. Anywhere. With any weapon. I'll choke the damn thing to death if I have to. Kill an Eastern Wild Turkey that scores over 100. Again, any weapon, including (but not limited to) hand-to-hand combat. If I could check 2 of these 4 items off the list, my hunting career would be a roaring success.
I have a list of many things I want to do and likely accomplish them as they aren't that big a deal, but the top 2 are a 150" PA whitetail, and a nice bull elk.
Oh, I WILL go elk hunting again. But I might have to get my daughter thru College first. I could sure go on a lot of fun hunts for $16,000 a year!! And the old college Mutual Funds aren't worth what they used to be!
1. Kill a black bear with my bow (chances are nearly impossible here in PA) 2. I would love to hunt Coues deer. 3. Kill a mule deer buck with my bow. 4. Fill a Grand Slam for turkey 5. Biggest would be to bow hunt for Rocky Mt Bighorn Sheep.
I'd like to kill a buck with 18 or more points. My best friend killed a 16 pt in 2001 and we all swore that would be the biggest( most points) buck any of us ever killed. He raised the bar in 2003 with a 17 pt. It currently takes 3 of my bucks to add up to 18 (never killed anything but 8 pts and smaller). I'd like to see my dad get a P&Y before he hangs up the bow. 35+ years, I'd say he's due.
Get into hunting with traditional gear in the not-to-distant future. I got a lot of respect for those guys.