hi, my name is 30 yard pin, and im an addict last night i had the best dream ever. i was on stand when a 200 in deer walks out. the perfect deer, drop tines, split brows, tons of mass. i draw back my bow and release, but the arrow only goes 20ft. but the deer doesnt spook, he walks closer and smells the arrow. and i let another fly. boom! a rage in the cage, and i do the happy dance. how sick im i? this time of year i should be dreaming of crappie fishing or turkey hunting. it gonna be a long summer
I dont have dreams....well not since ambien other wise i could only sleep a 1-3 hours then i am to crabby to be married.......... my wife told me! hey 30yardpin wish i could dream like you.
I had a dream the other night I arrowed about a 125-130" inch 8, but his left G3 was broken off. I am so cursed
I killed what I'm pretty sure was a 90" pronghorn a couple nights ago! It was an awesome dream, but I like the big deer dreams even better!
I missed a 130" 8 pointer about 5 years ago. The next morning as I was lowering my bow to the ground, he was headed right towards me. I got my bow back up and drawn when he was at 5 yards, but he busted me. Dreams all that year about that encounter. Actually saw him each of the next 2 years...once as I was walking in for an afternoon hunt I watched him about 100 yards away chase a doe right by the ground blind I was headed to. He was about a 160" 9 point at that time.
Can't really remember, must have woken up! I do remember thinking that he was one of those "ole warrior, bruiser bucks" cause of the broken G3, so if I were to guess, probably 185