Beanie for sure (black and lost camo)! A lost camo flex fit hat. I love how the white/black NAP mesh hat fits. Maybe a mesh cap by the same manufacturer NAP uses.
So, I guess the camo BHOD Toms would be out... A long-sleeve cotton BHOD shirt and another beanie vote. -Bill
Love all the ideas!!! Only thing I want is the miniature horns back.... BRING THEM BACK, PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I want a set so bad!!!!
JZ, did you get the email I sent you a few weeks back about the survival straps? Think those would be awesome!
An all black flex fit would be awesome! Flex fit is the way to go IMO, there's nothing more comfortable. I'll add another vote for the beanie. Lost camo and an all black offering of course. As far as shirts go, I'd like to see a higher quality more athletic fit preshrunk t-shirt and long sleeve offering. I purchased a tshirt last year and the cotton was pretty thin and shrunk funny in the dryer. It's now a 2XL belly shirt for me as I'm 6'4" 270 lbs. For hoodies I'd like to see something all black with sleeve logos, small chest logo, and large back logo. I could definitely see myself using something like that in a ground blind. Thanks for taking the time to ask our input guys!!!
Great ideas guys - keep them coming! Just a few points to make. - Nobody makes blank Lost Camo flexfit hats so those are out. As Ferg said we're a Lost sponsored site so Realtree isn't an option for us. - At the current time nobody makes a blank Lost Camo beanie either. With both the Flexfit stuff and the beanies we need to have a blank hat to get our logos/artwork put on. If nobody makes it we can't do it. We can do black though, which may be on the table for this next round. - Same with wristbands, nobody makes them in Lost Camo. Plus I have a few hundred black ones still on hand if you guys want to buy them up. :D So far it looks like a black Flexfit hat is definitely tops on the list. I have a few samples already on order so that looks like it will probably be a go. T-shirt wise we'll probably end up with a black and a gray of some sort. If we do long sleeve again, which it sounds like a lot of guys want, we'll most likely only do a black shirt. I do like the idea of the "Bowhunt or Die" down the sleeve. jeffacarp - new t-shirts will be from a different manufacturer than last time. I also had the same problem you did with the shirt shrinking weird and not fitting right. That won't happen again. Hoodies we're still up in the air. Our last round of hoodies, which were the distressed gray ones, were awesome. They're a little on the thin side but VERY comfortable. We may do some more of those with different color art on the front since it was hard to read. We may also do a short run of black hoodies since it sounds like a lot of guys want them. Visors are off the table.
I would like more pink for women. A pink men's fit shirt or clothes for women that aren't tight fitting. Anything with pink please Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Sounds like we got a lot of fellow hat-snobs on here. I won't wear a non-fitted hat either. How about a flexfit trucker-style mesh hat for early season/warmer weather? They do make them. Also, flexfit does come in non-trademarked camo patterns such as desert, woodland, etc. if that doesn't violate the LOST agreement.