I had a new string put on my bow over the weekend. I have a couple of questions though. I was going to place a couple of nock sets on the new string. One above and one below the d loop to keep it from moving. As I went to do this I nocked an arrow just to check before I did. I noticed when I nocked the arrow that the arrow appeared to be leaning forward with it nocked. I thought the arrow needed to be straight when it was nocked....I am wrong on this? If I am right....is there a way to move the d loop down on the string without replacing the d loop totally? I have already moved the rest up as far as I can but still need more adjustment. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to go back to the local pro shop for this if I don't have to.
What rest? Is the arrow leaning forward with the rest prongs resting flush with the riser shelf or raised up? If the latter, you want to have the arrow level or just slighlty (1/8") nock high with the arrow passing through the center of the berger holes as a starting point.You can possibly twist the loop down on the string if it won't slide.
Setup The rest is a QAD drop away. With the prongs up the front of the arrow is leaning forward. According to the square I was using, the d loop would need to go down approximately 1/8". The attached picture hopefully shows how much of a gap there is when I have the square set where I think it should be.
Most of the time, you can screw a loop up and down the string on the servings like a nut on a bolt. This will "unseat" it though typically, and sometimes you will want to use a pair of needle nose pliers to expand the loop a bit and make it bite in to get it properly seated again. Hope this helps!
Setup RJ, I am correct in wanting to make the arrow straight as it sits on the rest with the prongs in the up position? Or is the 1/8" up an amount that can be tolerated and not effect the shot?
Many bows tune well with the nock set 1/8 inch high from perfectly level. I have a nock set below the nock and above the bottom knot (applies a little more downward force on the rest...Whammy). I played with many configurations over a period of weeks and my Truth produced the best groups with this set-up.
Are you shooting a Mathews S2? Most of the time I will tune a single cam to be about 1/8" above center. I also tie in my nock points with serving material and then tie my loop on the outside of the tied in nock points. I also make sure to leave a hair of room between the tied in nock points and my nock so that at full draw you don't get nock pinch.
I know this won't completely make up the difference, but I was looking at the QAD rest today at bass pro and on the back it says that it isn't at it's full upright position when you click it with your thumb. I think that it is at 80deg and goes back to 90deg at full draw. Just something to keep in mind to make sure you don't adjust your d-loop a little too far.
That is correct. If your prongs aren't plumb (straight up and down) at full draw, you need to tweak/tighten your cable (attaching your rest to your down cable). I've seen these rests' (experienced it, with mine) cables become loosened, allowing this to occur (what you have photo'd). I also agree that this likely won't make up all of the difference in height you need. Good luck.