Okay, I've never seen any company advertise a bow with +/- tolerances let alone such a massive difference? If you're precise in manufacturing should your ATA really be a quarter inch give or take? I mean dang... Brace height is less but still? https://www.xpeditionarchery.com/2021-models/smoke/ Am I missing something?
Could it be due to reducing the Draw Weight all the way out and the all the way back in, causing the limbs to squeeze in and shortening the ATA?
Most major manufacturers will give +/- numbers for ATA and brace where the bow is still considered in spec. Usually you just don't see it in the advertised specs but in the manual or tune charts. Both ilof those values change based on string/cable lengths and also limb bolt positioning. It's not saying that they're manufacturing has sloppy tolerances. If you adjust strings and cables to get bow within factory spec and then back off limb bolts your ATA and brace height are now different. Edit- I'm sure bow geometry and number of turns on the limb bolts influences how much those figures will change. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
Gotcha. More concerning is this appears to purely be an MX15 riser with different cams. Sounds like a limited run in order to dumb risers. Expedition has felt all over the board lately. I enjoyed some of their first few models though never bought one.
What a flop. Who in their right mind would buy a bow in 2021 with DLS cams a this point considering the ample offerings with rotating mods.
I don't understand the point of making a speed bow and marketing it as your "fastest ever" and not telling people the speed. Who is the marketing genius behind that decision?
All things about this company the last couple years draw massive questions to a logical mind honestly.
If i'm not mistaken, I think the general rule of thumb for variance is +/- 3/8" on ATA and brace height because of turning a bow up or down. You can also see small differences in both of these measurements when you advance/retard the cams. I wonder if it was just forgotten when they added it to the website. I manage web developers and content creators... I know how that happens.. haha. Expedition always seemed to produce nice stuff, but I always felt their technologies and such felt dated.
I have always walked away from shooting them like Athens Archery - shoot great, I know I'd be lethal but like you said just doesn't seem up to snuff to charge like a the leaders...and their fit and machining of pockets I've felt seemed sloppy at times.
This could all be driven by company lawyer concerns. "Hey the ATA of this bow is supposed to be xxx. Mine is xxx+.1 inch. See ya in court"
They commented on a social post that it was left off on purpose. If it was an accident then the developer(s), PM, and client should all be getting an ass chewing.