I usually have winner's choice strings on my bows and usually have not noticed much if any stretch after buying a new bow.. with the new vertix coming the shop ordered after market Rogue strings? Well, the guy making them used to work for them and now he's on his own making I assume somewhat of the equivalent strings... I know nothing about them.. He said they were great. So what recommendation do you guys have as far shooting in the strings before setting the bow up?
I normally shoot it everyday for a week. There is some adjustments for string twisting and peep rotation. After paper tuning and broadhead tuning, it is dialed in and good to go.
When I picked up mine yesterday I shot it 25 times or so to set peep twist and then was told to put 100 arrows through it before paper tuning.
my mistake, the guy worked for ABB strings.. either way I will shoot it 25 times or so and set it up and paper tune it and keep an eye on it.
Being a dual cam bow. It should actually be better than what my bow is as far as string stretch goes. This creed has a really long single string which allows for alot of material to stretch, the dual cam bows not so much.