I have a 26" draw and I have a few bows that I think are fine for hunting, but with all the hype about heavier arrows and momentum, I am not sure about the arrow choice. I just don't want to fall below the 220 fox mark for several reasons. This season, do you think I will have any issues with my current bow and arrow selections? Please advise me and ket me know know if this is good enough for deer season... Bear lights out with 370 gr arrows. It is shooting about 220 fps with 39.7 KE and .36 Momentum. Is this bow sufficient? It's my quietest bow and it is probably the easiest to shoot accurately. Currently it's my backup hunting bow. Diamond Black Ice with 370 gr arrows. It is shooting about 239 fps with 46.8 KE and .39 Momentum. Is this bow sufficient? It's my primary bow and it is the fastest. Very quiet, and is acculturate out to 30 yes. Currently it's my primary hunting bow. PSE Madness 30 with 370 gr arrows. It is new but this should be my primary bow once it's setup. The one I shot at the bow shop is shooting about 248 fps with 50"4 KE and .40 Momentum. Is this bow sufficient? It is a nice bow and I am excited about possibly using it this season.
they are all sufficient with good fixed blade COC heads. Use the one you like best and have the most confidence in.
The heavy arrows are all hype. I prefer a flatter trajectory and a well placed shot. the lighter the arrow the more forgiving your shot will be if you miss judge the distance.
Your good to go on any of the setups you listed. Like the others have mentioned, make sure you use a cut on contact Brodhead to get maximum penetration on game.