I got a question for some of you techies! I am shooting a 70lb Martin Jaguar Magnum that is 9-10yrs old. It was shot for the most part at 64lbs. It is at the pro-shop right now with new cables on it, the strings might have 100-150shots through them? I asked him to check the pull weight on it and he said its at 64lbs? I asked him if it was for sure bottomed out and he said yes the limbs wont move anymore? I did crank the bow down before I took it to him and when I dropped it off before the new cables it was only pulling 62lbs??!! Haha he is tryng to tell me I have a 60lb bow. I assured him that my bow is 70lbs, I know what I bought even thought the bow info is rubbed off? He says he can twist the cable and get me another 2-3lbs out of it and that my limbs are probably weakened?? Is there something I am missing? PS: I know I should have gotten the cables the same time as the strings but I was tying to pinch a dollar?!!
Never heard of the limbs weakening unless they were really old wood or wood core limbs from back in the 70's and early 80's. I'd bet that he doesn't have everything to spec. on it and that the cables need to be twisted up 10 or more turns each. Did you replace the string as well or just the cables? They really should all be replaced as a set.
I agree with Rob, plus did he make the strings and if he did, did he go by the correct length or off the old ones? If he used factory spec, like Rob said, it may need spec'd but it's very difficult to gain upwards of 6 lbs by twisting everything up. Check your ATA to a factory bow/spec, brace, tiller etc.
Ok I am looking for specs on a year 2000 Martin Jaguar Magnum and I can only find back to 2001?? Does anybody know where I can find true specs for the year 2000?? I dont think anything was changed between the two years but it would be nice to be sure?? I can find out my ATA, Brace, I think I understand how to check the tiller on the bow, I am reading up on it now?? I wish I had the stuff to do it all on my own I think I would feel more confident..!! Would anybody else feel bad by going into the proshop and asking him to check this stuff or should I just get my bow and do it all myself??
If he's charging you to put the string on he should be doing all that as part of the service. Learn how to do it yourself though so you can check his work. Plain sad truth is that not all "pro" shops are that professional or knowledgable.
Well I found the specs to my bow and called him up to have him check it out..... My ATA Spec is 33 1/4" and it measures at 33 5/16" just a 16th of an inch long.. My BH Spec is 6 3/4" and it was just under he said at almost 6 11/16"... He did twist the cables and got me to 66lbs?? I thik this is going to be about the best it can get too!!??
I'd check the DW on another scale...just to rule out the possibility of him checking it on a uncalibrated scale.
But did he get things to spec or just close? If he can't get them to spec then he's got cables that are too long to begin with. It sounds like if he takes care of the ATA issue it will solve the brace height issue at the same time and likely solve the poundage issue as well.