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Bow Insurance

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by kickin_buck, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. kickin_buck

    kickin_buck Weekend Warrior

    Jan 13, 2009
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    In the past couple of weeks I have read about several archery shops reporting bows walking out. I am sure this is nothing new and I am sure it has happend in the past, but seems like it is becoming more common now.

    So last night I was at the shop shooting league, I shoot both a 3D pop-up league and a 300 league on the same night. My 3D pop-up team has four guys on it, shooting 2 DXT's, 1 Monster, and 1 AM32(me). After we got done shooting pop-up, we put our hunting bows in our cases and got our target bows out to get ready to shoot spots. The same four guys have 3 Apex 7's and 1 Katera XL (it is so lonely being a Hoyt man in a Matthews house). Just between me and my three buddies, we have several thousand of dollars worth of bow sitting there, this is not counting the other guys shooting in either the pop-up league or the 300 league (many who also come in with two different setups). I got to thinking about how easy it would have been for someone to pick up my case with my target bow and walk out while I was shooting pop-up, or how easy it would have been for someone to pick my case with my hunting bow and walk out while I was shooting spots. And if that were to happen, what would I do (besides cuss a lot)?

    So I know my home owners insurance has the serial numbers of my firearms and they are covered in the case of fire or theft (while in the house, not sure about out of the house). I have not provided my insurance company with the serial number of any of my bows, which does not make any sense because my cheapest bow is more expensive than my most expensive firearm.

    So how many of you have included your bows on your insurance or have special insurance to cover your bows alone? Do you think covering your bows is a good idea or a waste of money (please explain if you think it is a waste)? I am going to make a call to my insurance company today to, at the very least, to add my bows to my home owners insurance and to ask about theft outside of the home (while hunting, league night, in transit, or at a 3D course).

    I am just interested to see how many others have thought about this and see what solutions, if any other people have come up with to protect themselves from this.
  2. buttonbuckmaster

    buttonbuckmaster Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    southern IL
    It can be done, the only kicker is alot of people have $1000 deductibles on their homeowner policy. It would take a set of stones to walk out of a shop with a stolem bow. I'm sure it happens, but the fear of getting beat to death by a dozen guys would make me think twice LOL.
  3. jfergus7

    jfergus7 Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Bristol, WI/Buffalo Grove, IL
    That is an interesting idea. I have never thought of adding it to my policy. I might have to look into it.
  4. magicman54494

    magicman54494 Weekend Warrior

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Kickin buck, first check with your agent and find out if your stuff is covered when away from home or in your car etc. I have found the best and fastest way to document your equipment is to take photos of all your stuff. I did this with my tools. I tried to guess what my tools were worth then after taking pics and doing some quick math while looking at the pics I discovered that I guessed way low. We should do this with all our hunting gear in case of fire or theft. I have a clear tote bin that I keep all my small stuff in. I'll bet that tote has over a 1000 dollars of stuff in it.
    I can see how easy it would be to lift a bow from a shooting range. When my local one gets busy it would be easy. There is even a bar in there and a back door that can't be watched. I know I have been very trusting in leaving my bow unattended.
  5. babyburb

    babyburb Weekend Warrior

    Nov 7, 2008
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    North Texas
    Your right about the price of my bow vs. my guns. My wife was doing our insurance a few years ago and she said "Do you think $XX amount will cover our inside belongings?" I looked at her and told her if she was only wanting to cover my guns and my bow! She made me sit down and write it all up and then she gave me the open mouth stare. My bow case and its contents reatiled prob close to $1500 or more.

    I might need to look into my policy though about item specific situations. I do have pics of everything though.
  6. Scot

    Scot Weekend Warrior

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Woodstock NY
    In New York State where I am a partner in an Insurance Agency a customers homeowners policy would extend to cover theft away from their premises(home)for any of their personal property.There are limitations on firearms and I honestly don't know if a Bow would be considered a firearm.Even if it was in the event of theft there would likely be at least a thousand dollars of coverage for the bow itself and then each of the accessories could be added on separately.Because of the deductibles used on most standard Homeowners policies ($250,$500,$1000)are the most common,you would want to be aware of that.
    You can also schedule or specifically list items such as Bows or Guns on a rider or endorsement on the policy.I have a few rifles listed on my own policy.That way you are assured of getting a fair settlement and you can have a much lower deductible on that part of the policy.
  7. in da woods

    in da woods Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    S.E. Wisconsin
    Hey, thanks for the thought. I too have never really put much thought into it, but I will now. Good post.

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