I am posting for a friend that has a house and some private land he is looking to rent out to deer hunter in southeast ohio, 400 plus acres, with access to even more if needed or wanted he is very reasonable for the average guy to rent if anyone is interested let me know, and I can get you his contact info
How private is the land? Is the land managed in any way? What is the make-up of the 400 acres? What coumty is it in? What are his rates? How about hunting without, staying at the house? Details man, details! I may be interested but, I know guys who would be interested if everything was right. Has he also advertised on Craigs List? This sounds familiar.
my friends asked me to add an update here, they still have a few weeks open if anyone is interested. again they are looking to get like $500.00 a week for a semi guided hunt, with 6 day hunt, 7 nite lodging, some food plots and quality private land, in southeast ohio! if any one wants more info, let me know, and I will provide there contact info
just another up date, still have some spots open and I might have a guy looking to lease 700+ acres too so if anyone wants more info, let me know!