pretty simple build and very handy if you Bowfish alot. This is alot lighter than white PVC and a screw cap on the end. I used a 4" thin wall drain pvc pipe cut to 36", two 4" drain pipe caps, 1 -36" bungie strap, 2- 1/8" threaded eye bolts, a cheap handle and machine screws to fit it and paracord cut pipe to length 36" drill holes for handle, put it forward of center so you can get arm inside for the nuts. install one end of paracord into eye bolt and crimp hook shut. i wraped mine with black tape so as no arrow barbs would get caught in it. this goes in bottom cap after drilling and installing eye bolt cut off hook on other end, melt with lighter and slip through eye bolt. I tied mine together with waxed string. I drilled two holes in top cap and inserted paracord for easy cap removal. I went ahead and broke mine back down for paint (optional) painted then glued bottom cap on, and stretched Bungie and bolted top cap eye bolt in. I used red lock tight on the nuts. finally, apply favorite stickers.