just recently looked in bowfishin. im thinkin about goin ta gander and pickin up some stuff like a zepco or shakespear fishing reel. a muzzy seat, 2 carbon arrows, and some line. do u just tie the rope(line) like regular fishing line or what? all gettin mounted on my martin quest huntin bow. i got the poundage turned down ta 58 pounds at the moment. im leavin my sight on ther and the rest. i got a wisker biscuit. will a wisker biscuit work? also, how do u set up the arrow and the string, do u just tie a direct knot rope to arrow, or do u tie 2 seperate things?? how can i find out the regulations out in my state. im in WI ?? thanks for ur help
This is what I would reccomend using. It's the simplist set up out there and effective. Make sure you use the safety slide to tie your string to. That way the string won't get wrapped around something and send the arrow back at ya. Unless you are using the Wisker Biscuit for bowfishing, I doubt it will hold up the arrow. Just get the whole kit and you're good to go. http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/Ams-Retriever-Pro-Rh-Combo-Pkg__2410.aspx
I second the AMS kit. I always recommend new bowfishers start out with the AMS. Spincasts are fine but the fact that you have to remember to push the button, the thinner line (easier to break and will cut your hand), and the fact that a spincast is far less durable than the Retriever makes for a higher and more expensive learning curve with them. The whiskers on a hunting biscuit are much too soft for a bowfishing arrow. (which weighs a minimum of 1500 grains).
yea. i was looking at the AMS, but the thing is, i dnt want to move my sight. i know i can take it off and put it back on but nahh. idk we will c. thanks for ur help
Well I am a die hard Muzzy spincast man, but try the spincast first, then if I works for you and you like bowfishing, then move up to the AMS. You know how to fish, so know a spincast reel, the AMS is totally different, plus if your using the bow for hunting and fishing, I would use the spincast. I am sure the of us use one bow for hunting and one for fishing. (at least one!)