...To find an (expletive) shed tomorrow . Ive been out 4 times so far this year on half arsed missions and have been slugging a big fat goose egg so far. Im pounding ground all day tomorrow and wont come back until ive got some antler in my hands. (Of course I do know where one dead buck is, just incase ). Wish me luck, god knows I need it!
good luck team mate In my area it is just now getting prime shed time. Im still seeing a few with head gear but im seeing more double bald spots on there heads to!! good luck!!
Do it Al.. find a shed. Just keep at it and you'll find one. I have 71 hours into it this season thus far.. 12 sheds to show for it. It's ALL about the miles.
I hope you have better shed hunting weather than I had today, it is below zero here and not a cloud in the sky. The sun is blinding!
Well i'll be damned, what a day of shed hunting! Me and a buddy headded out to a new spot that neither of us really know that well. I hunted it during bow season twice and was getting close to laying down a big one but ended up filling my tag before the time was right to go in. We werent there 5 minutes and he found the first one, nice little 4pt side. I must say that he is a regular shed hunting machine, hes on break this week from college and has found 13 sheds and two dead bucks, im envious. So we kept chuggin along and hit a south facing slop that is just loaded with apple trees and I stumbled on (literally) my first shed. I was pretty much pumped. To make a long story short, we covered this 100 acre area real good for the next 4 hours and ended up with 7 sheds total, he had 5, I had 2 . We went to 2 more spots but came up empty handed, great day though!! As it layed... 39" side The days total, the bottom two are mine, rest are Kyles.
Awesome day Al! Hey, how do you like your Game Plan Gear Spot N Stalk pack? I bought one a couple years ago for an elk hunting trip and I love it.
Its a pretty sweet pack! Bought it at the local bow shop on clearance for 20 bucks. I dont do much spottin and stalkin, but it makes a nice day pack for shed hunting. Im going out west for elk in 2010 so I plan on using it then.
Yep, it was my first shed when I knew I was hooked. The shed is certainly a harsh drug, hard to put down. Way to go Al!! That's a double thumbs up!