Guessing I didn't follow through with the ultimate camo one. $40 is a bit more than I want to pay for one. The one I did get will be here tomorrow, likely after I leave for an evening sit, but I will have it on Saturday. Feeling rather optimistic about my sit Saturday.
Well, mailman has an hour to get here. Been looking forward to tomorrows sit forever, maybe it's a good omen that tomorrow will likely be the first time I'll be able to wear it.
Getting cold now so I'll be sticking with the beanie and insulated hats. My #1 priority for this offseason is not scouting or staying in shape, it's finding the perfect boonie.
Got home to my boonie in the mailbox, going to need all the luck it can bring. Tried it on and looked in the mirror, OMG! I should be able to get multiple shots at a deer as they are rendered immobile from laughter. Great googley moogley
Ears are a little cold but rocking the boonie anyways. It brought me some luck opening day, let's see if it works twice....
Funny thing, since this popped back up. Today during the fracas that took place with my hunting as I was heading back up to the truck I felt the top of my head. My boonie was missing, thought damn I had it when I crossed X, must have had a briar pull it off at Y. So I set my crossbow and what I was carrying down and started back tracking. Got about 7 minutes into it and knowing ai was going down hill for not sure how long, I would have to eventually turn back uphill, again, to get back to my stuff. Decided I'd get another one and make it luckier or something. Got back up to where ai set my crossbow down and there was the boonie, sitting on top of it right where I put it to go look for it I was metally drained and frustrated at the time
Alright Brett I'm going out in the garage right now to dig out my 20 year old boonie. It's buried somewhere, but I will find it and I'm using tomorrow!
haha Love my boonie. I have two. One with a face mask built into it That is my favorite. Couldn't find it at the beginning of the year,,,I was lost...found it in my truck... I'll have to get a pic of it.
http:// This also includes the heater body suit you informed me about! I've had my Boonie for 22years