I have a copy of Precision Bowhunting: A Year-Round Approach to Taking Mature Whitetails, by John & Chris Eberhart. It's a great read, but it is geared more for those of you hunting near fields and foodplots, not the expansive woods and lakes that I'm hunting. So, I'd like to trade someone for Greg Miller's Bowhunting Forests & Deep Woods I've read a portion of this book, and it seems to be much better suited for my hunting situation. Any takers? I'd also trade Mapping Trophy Bucks, again a great book, but covers more on field edges and such. Not quite as helpful for me as the majority of hunters.
kwilson and I just did that very swap! He still has my copy of the Miller book. Lets see if he sees this. I'll get him to send it to you when hes done. I'll PM him to check this thread.
Fitz, PM your address to me and I will send you the Miller book. I just moved and its exact location is unknown with the unpacked boxes. I will send it as soon as I come across it. You should also get Eberhart's first book 'Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails'.
Great! Are you interested in either books? (topo or precision?) Let me know if you are. I've had 'Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails' in my hands before, but where I bowhunt, there isn't any pressure. In our area, we have close to 2000 acres that only myself, my wife and my dad hunt. It's great, but it's hard to find literature on deep woods hunting. I say the terrain is 80% forest, 10% swamp and %10 lakes... I love it, it's just tough hunting... so far Let me know if you'd like either book. Thanks!