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Book: Ambushing Trophy Whitetails

Discussion in 'Equipment Reviews' started by brucelanthier, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. brucelanthier

    brucelanthier Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Southern MD
    Ambushing Trophy Whitetails by John Trout Jr.

    I just finished reading this book and enjoyed it very much. If you are familiar with, and enjoyed, his other book, Finding Wounded Deer, then you will enjoy this book. Not really any new revelations but he does give a different point of view regarding deer/buck behavior which may or may not help you. I found it somewhat refreshing and gain some new insight wiloe gaining affirmation on other things I already believed/thought.

    He talks about watching the barometer and how it affects deer movement but one of the keys he mentions is timing. "....if you are on stand two hour before the barometer begins falling, the approaching front probably won't help. Then again, if you reach your ambush location as the barometer begins to stabilize or increase, you could be a little late.". Much more interesting stuff concerning this also.

    A good book that I would recommend. No, he won't give you any new secrets but he gave me some ideas on how to fine tune some of the ways I am hunting now, not just for "trophy whitetails" but for deer in general.

    If you buy from his website you get a signed copy. Not a big deal but I liked it.

    Even if you don't get this book you should get his other book, Finding Wounded Deer. It will help you at some point. Whether it gives you the confidence to back out and wait, knowing that is the right thing to do, or it gives you the knowledge to interpret your shot better, it will help.
  2. GMMAT

    GMMAT Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Mostly in a treestand
    Well.....I'll send it back....if you send it to me!

    I read fast.:)
  3. justhunt

    justhunt Weekend Warrior

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Troy, IL
    I just ordered one. I'll be on the beach in Cancun next month and need some reading material. Thanks.

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