I started my regular 8 days off last week. Me and two other guys from work decided to see who could get the biggest buck on cam while we were off for 8 days. As of tonight (night shift) these will be my two entries :d The only thing is im going up against two guys from Illinois so we will see tonight. I did screw up and forgot to update the new year, I hope they believe me :d any way,the bone still adorns most here in Indiana. I have a hang on stand not ten yards from where these deer are traveling through. The spot is one mile back from the road just off a quad trail. I found the spot last year while shed hunting, forgot about it until late season, and passed a 105-110" 8 point there in the last season, but killed a yote there that same day. There are rubs everywhere, and this stand now has my undivided attention for next year I cant figure out if the first buck is broken or is just (Rob status )the second will be a dandy this comming season what ya think he scores now? (the second one) EDIT::THE TIME AND DATE SHOWS THE REAL DATE BUT THE AREA ID DOSENT, NOW THAT IM NOT LOOKING AT THEM ON THE BIG SCREEN TV, THE SECOND DOSENT LOOK AS BIG
That was last week. we now have around 10 " of snow and ice. I like to never got back to the cam on a quad.
Ya.. it blows BC. I'm still seeing most bucks with full head gear.. and those that have dropped.. are smaller so I don't really care to much yet. I hate waiting. Saw a real nice 150+ buck the other night... with brow tines pushing 8" or more. I know where he beds.. just need him to drop. Nice pics anyway.
The first ones rack looks complete in the second pic. I thing it just blended into the light background in the first pic. Both of those should be good bucks next season. Hope they stick around for ya.
Sheesh look at that foliage still around and I like that rub in the pic. That 3rd buck in the back is one hell of a buck by the way. T