I spent all weekend working on my lease getting ready to put in a few food plots. Got everything mowed down and weed killer sprayed. This will be the first year I applied the weed killer before planting my plots I am hoping it will pay off with better plots this year. I am going to till and plant soybeans next week and they should be ready for my bow opener on 9/19. My plots are not real big so my soy beans won’t last long before the deer wipe them out. It is still real hot here so I am not ready yet to plant my fall seeds but it should be time when the soy beans are gone. I have 3 cameras out and so far I have a bunch of does and a few young bucks. I am hoping once the food plots get going the bigger bucks I had on camera last year will show up.
Yea, I noticed on my small little kill plot that its not as great as last year. I'm not getting any good bucks on it either like last year. This next spring i'm going to kill it off completely and start over as well. Think I might try to make it a tad bigger as well.
#1 is back and doing his reagular walk through the clearing where my deer blind is at, can't wait for the season to start. Going to be buying a new bow this week and then the wait is on!
I work off tomm morning then goin to my place in Ky to run camera and corn. Off to ST. Louis for the weekend then I'll be in a tree Monday evening before work. Hopefully they are in summer pattern yet.
Picked up my mount from last year yesterday. He did a great job incorporating the barn wood, some hemp, and extremely old barbwire . Very happy with it! Hope this year I down one bigger than this with my bow!
Work has been friggin chaotic lately, but I'm gonna lower my draw weight this weekend from 72-67# for hunting season. Might have to adjust the gap between some of the pins. Hopefully just the 40-60 yd pins. Once this heat breaks next week I'm going to go check out some property I gained access to recently. It is river bottom property, but has been sharpshooted for the past 8 yrs by the IL DNR to help eradicate or control CWD. I hunt a small plot of land (3 acres!) a few miles East of this property along the same river. There is good genetics in the area, but the deer are not making it to a mature age with the sharpshooting and the CWD. Hoping to see a booner as soon as I step on the property!
CWD sucks ***. We don't have in central Missouri...it is a problem in north central however..hope it stays up there
Picked up another ladder stand today. Comfort Zone ...never heard of them...but over a hundred good reviews on ****s website...so we shall see. $80 is a good price, hope the stand lasts. I spent 200 on a big game that feels rickety and flimsy so Ill give the cheap one a try.
CWD is the reason I hunt central and southern IL public lands. Way more deer and a much less chance of getting another CWD positive deer.
This is my farm. Fields to the east with squiggly lines were planted in beans this June. Big field to west is hay. The Cs are where my cameras are. The small western field is overgrown...I will be doing work over the next two weeks to make it a late season food plit with beats, oats, and ryegrass. The small circles are where stands already are...the Xs are where stands are going to be. so that's what I'm working with...Pretty excited to do my first food plot. Sunday I will brush hog it and round up kill it. After two weeks I'll burn off what's left, and broadcast out the seed. Hope for a day with rain to help it take.
Oh no! Just located a third 8 point on my cam! I was starting to think my buck numbers had went away. I'll post the vids up soon
cody in my experience i think you might be better off spraying with round up first, then wait a week to let it die. then mow it. if you mow it first you are just spreading seeds. round up doesnt kill seeds, just emerged weeds. but with the fall approaching you may not get much weed pressure. good luck on your foodplot.
If round up doesn't kill seeds, and the brush hog will spread seeds when mowing, would it really matter? If the seeds are present they won't be affected by the spray right? So why would it matter? make sense?
well if you did it the right way you wouldnt have enough time to even plant it probably. the best is to spray it. wait two weeks or so. then spray it again to kill the seeds that have just germinated into a plant. almost all weeds/grasses wont produce seeds until they are mature so when you spray the small stuff that just germinated the 2nd time you will have most future plants from coming up. of course about every year or two just from wind and animals you get seed coming back in your plot so when i switch what im planting in a plot i spray everything and just start over. unless i have round up ready products. im no expert, just trying to tell you from my experience of putting in several food plots and also being a farmer. like i said being this late in the summer the weeds may not germinate this fall but they will next spring. good luck on your food plot.