Looking at getting into the muzzleloader game next year, and i like the bolt action style. Anybody have any favorites or suggestions? Pictures are welcome
Maybe I'm dense....but WTH is a bolt action muzzleloader? A muzzleloader is a single shot, how can it be a bolt action?
Caplock, break action, the weird omega system, bolt action...all refers to how the "cap" is loaded. Im an old school hammer-caplock guy...these new fangled things im not so smart on...
I used to shoot a Traditions (bolt) and still have it but shoot my T/C Impact now. The traditions shot great for me, just decided to upgrade some. Honestly I've not met someone unhappy with a Traditions they took the time to find a good load with.
Come on, you never stay on topic. Hell, I didn't stray from it anyways. But, to stay on topic.....I love my Encore. Though, its not bolt action, so maybe I'm off topic again.
Two Loads worked great for me... #1 was 295grain Powerbelts (with the green tip/butt) and 100gr Triple7 powder. While Powerbelts are not my favorite bullet it did shoot this load great! #2 and the one I used for the last two years I used the gun was 250grain T/C Shockwaves with 100gr Triple7 powder. Now I also had great success with 45 caliber hollow (inside sabot) as well but can't remember what brand it was, may have been Barnes as they make great bullets!
I shoot an encore as well...use 240gr hornady xtp and 100grains triple seven....last time I sighted it in(didn't have to) 2 holes touched and flyer 1 in away at 100yds...I wouldn't hesitate to take a 200 yrd shot with this gun and load.
And that is the load I shoot in the Impact I shoot now, xtp's are Shockwaves just in a different wrapping :D Lethal combo! ****edit: Correction the sst's are the same. The xtp's are great bullets though and are the same as the Thompson Center Mag Express Sabots....which I found out (via text to pops) is the other bullet I shot in the Traditions with great success! I'm actually considering shooting the Mag Express (xtp's) this next season as they hit harder and I don't shoot the distances that the aero tips are needed for the accuracy part of things.
I have an older style traditions bolt action and a newer CVA break down.....100% like the break down style better.
I have a couple of Knight muzzleloaders that I like. I actually have an extra if you want me to bring it to the get together. Or you could pick it up on your way to one of the Packer Playoff games.
Huge T/C Encore fan here. As for bullets.... well if a picture is worth a thousand words, these are priceless. I have spent more dollars and hours perfecting my Encore than any sane person would. In my opinion, nothing on earth will get you the results I have seen with Blackhorn 209 and Barnes bullets. Now, this is NOT for guns that cannot use a real 209m (not the crappy ones "made" for MLs). You need a gun with a GOOD ignition system that has a decent size flash hole. This is a MOA sight-in target at 100 yards. The changes made to the scope were what you see down range....in other words, I got true MOA from a ML!!! Power volumes are something you will need to play with. I also throw the stock plastic sabots in the trash and use the ones made by Harvester Muzzle loading...they are so consistent and even recommended by Barnes.
Wow, that Shockwave shattered. I shot them last year elk hunting. I one lunged a 6x7 bull at 175 yards. He ran 40 yards and we heard him crash. When we got there, he jumped up and ran down the mountain. His bed was full of bubbly lung blood. Ended up finding him 2 days later, 2.5 miles away in the next canyon. I will never shoot that bullet again.
Muzzle loader bolt guns I have several muzzle loaders but the Savage 10 ML bolt gun is the most effective. There is nothing primitive about it because you can use smokeless powder which means easy clean up and no smoke so you can see what you shot at. It is also plenty accurate at 250 yards or more. It is basically a single shot high powered rifle. You can find out everything you might want to know about it and more at Randy Wakeman Outdoors website.