Well, my buddy bought a new boat for bowfishing last week. Now we don't have to wait around for other people to invite us to go. We are looking at ideas for a deck. So lets see some picture of yours. We are probably just going to put a aluminum rail around it, but possibly a deck as well (it already has one). The boat is only 14ft long and 5ft wide, but that's a good enough start for us:d
Here is all the pics on my hard drive on how we designed my front deck...I went 12" off the gunnel to be able and get the lights below my feet, but a flush deck may be the better option on your boat to cut down on weight in the front.
The Central Illinois Rough Fish Control Unit (CIRFCU) Float pods added. We got rid of the 4 stroke honda and went with a 2 stroke yamaha. (only a couple pounds heavier with twice the power) Moved the steering to the middle of the boat instead of off on one side. We're using a 80lb thrust troller, two yamaha 2400 watt gennys, and two converters run parallel. Upgraded the trailer to a tandem axle model last year too.
Awesome boats guys/gals. Trevor, what lb thrust is your trolling motor? Christine, thats the type of boat I plan on having one day!
Christine, Tembry....sweet rigs. For this year, my deck boat will serve but I have a 16 foot pontoon deck stripped I just need to get a motor for it and she'll do just fine. This will be the first year me and the guys are gonna try this thing. If it works like I think, we will all be hooked and end up riging that pontoon up solely for bow fishing.
101 lbs. Came with the boat...as powerful as a small outboard, lol....but takes three batteries to make 36v and isn't easy on them either. I want to run some converters like Christine is for night shooting, but they ain't cheap...so for now it is batteries only.
We run two 2400 watt yamaha generators. We have 10 500 watt halogen light fixtures on the boat. We currently have the 225 watt ultra bulbs in them. Eight of the lights have their own switches so we only run the lights we need.
You pretty much have to in order to be effective. I run a 3000 watt genny (bought new for $300 somewhere on clearance, surprisingly not that loud and runs like a top for 2 years straight now) with 6 150 watt HPS light fixtures.....wiring was a biotch, and lights were more money, but I like em all in all. They have their perks over Halos as well as their disadvantages. Christine gave an excellent tip on having the lights wired with their own kill switches..you can fire them up in sequence to not bog down the genny on start up, and if something goes wrong, only that light is out of commission. Christine, that Barge is laid out perfect for bowfishing...I bet you can really load it down with fish too...might be just the ticket if you guys head up to that Great Lakes shoot!
I run a 3500 Wen Genny, Iota Converter, and 6 250 GE Ultra's. Works for me I have since added a converter and raised the troller up....here is a pic of the troller
Gee, I don't have anything near as fancy as that. Here's my tandem bowfishing rig. Thats the wife on the boat's maiden voyage. Haven't got a fish from it yet. Only been out once and didn't see any. Now, I have been successful in my buddy's canoe. And this is when its just me. Actually just bought this boat today. Its a hybrid kayak and apparently very easy to stand in. We'll see. Am I going about this the hard way? :D
LOL..the only thing that would be easy for me in that rig would be for me to go swimmin!!!I have never been too comfortable in those little things. I wish I did though, it is a great way to get up into those less favorable areas for the rest of our boats.
I hope you're right. A buddy and I are going out in the morning. I'll be in the yak and he'll have his canoe. Wish us luck.
Yep...that's the one. You're not talking about down at Hales Ford bridge are you? There are TONS of carp there but I'm pretty sure they'd get mad at us shooting them. :D Cristine...I got a little lazy. I'm working on a post (with pics) right now.
I don't know, There use to be an arcade there, I went there all the time when I was little, we fed them popcorn. I can see it now, I little kid out there feeding the fish, while you float up in a kayak and start flinging arrows.:d
Yep...that's at Hales Ford Bridge. Don't think that I haven't thought about doing that very thing! :D